diff --git a/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/java/com/userinformation/backend/service/ImageService.java b/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/java/com/userinformation/backend/service/ImageService.java
index b4e7feb..58241f8 100644
--- a/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/java/com/userinformation/backend/service/ImageService.java
+++ b/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/java/com/userinformation/backend/service/ImageService.java
@@ -41,8 +41,11 @@ public class ImageService {
     public String convert(String url) throws IOException {
         String filepath = url.replace(imageUrl, imagePath);
         File sourceFile = new File(filepath);
-        Assert.isTrue(sourceFile.exists(), "文件不存在");
-        Assert.isTrue(filepath.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).endsWith(TIF_FILE_SUFFIX), "文件格式不正确");
+//        Assert.isTrue(sourceFile.exists(), "文件不存在");
+//        Assert.isTrue(filepath.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).endsWith(TIF_FILE_SUFFIX), "文件格式不正确");
+        if(!sourceFile.exists() || !filepath.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).endsWith(TIF_FILE_SUFFIX)){
+            return "/images/empty.png";
+        }
         String targetFilePath = filepath.replace(TIF_FILE_SUFFIX, PNG_FILE_SUFFIX);
         File targetFile = new File(targetFilePath);
         if (!targetFile.exists()){
diff --git a/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/resources/application.yml b/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/resources/application.yml
index 197a887..eee433a 100644
--- a/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/resources/application.yml
+++ b/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/resources/application.yml
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ custom:
     url: ${custom.parent-url}:${server.port}/product
     gifPath: ${custom.image.path}/gif
-#    path: D:/Deployments/LamanRadar/product
-#  parent-url: http://localhost
-#  quality-path: E:/Memorandum/VPN配置/南京/多曼雷达项目/AllData
-    path: /home/project/NJEnvironmentPlatform/html/product
-  parent-url:
-  quality-path: /share/win
+    path: D:\下载\可视化平台\product
+  parent-url: http://localhost
+  quality-path: E:/Memorandum/VPN配置/南京/多曼雷达项目/AllData
+#    path: /home/project/NJEnvironmentPlatform/html/product
+#  parent-url:
+#  quality-path: /share/win
 #    path: /home/develop/product
 #  parent-url: http://rdp.nagr.com.cn
diff --git a/04.系统编码/Frontend/public/images/empty.png b/04.系统编码/Frontend/public/images/empty.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e8f87b
Binary files /dev/null and b/04.系统编码/Frontend/public/images/empty.png differ
diff --git a/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/components/RamanLidar.vue b/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/components/RamanLidar.vue
index 7cb74a6..8f8ab9e 100644
--- a/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/components/RamanLidar.vue
+++ b/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/components/RamanLidar.vue
@@ -989,7 +989,7 @@ export default {
     const prepareWatervaporColors = () => {
       return new ColorChart(['#990000', '#CC0000', '#FF0000', '#FF3300', '#FF6600', '#FF9900', '#FFCC00', '#FFFF00', '#CCFF33', '#99FF66',
             '#66FF99', '#33FFCC', '#00FFFF', '#00CCFF', '#0099FF', '#0066FF', '#0033FF', '#0000FF', '#0000CC', '#000099'],
-          [20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0], true, true
+          [30, 28, 26, 24, 22, 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0], true, true
diff --git a/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/components/SynergyEvaluation.vue b/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/components/SynergyEvaluation.vue
index 6545a5c..d5a2a9b 100644
--- a/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/components/SynergyEvaluation.vue
+++ b/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/components/SynergyEvaluation.vue
@@ -1,468 +1,739 @@
-    <div class="tabs">
-        <div class="tab-item" @click="onTabClick('plant-change')" :class="{'active': currentTab === 'plant-change'}">
-            植被变化对气候的影响
-            <img src="/images/line.png" v-if="currentTab === 'plant-change'" />
-        </div>
-        <div class="tab-item" @click="onTabClick('plant-distribute')" :class="{'active': currentTab === 'plant-distribute'}">
-            植被分布对气候的影响
-            <img src="/images/line.png" v-if="currentTab === 'plant-distribute'" />
-        </div>
-        <div class="tab-item" @click="onTabClick('element-change-trend')" :class="{'active': currentTab === 'element-change-trend'}">
-            植被和气候要素变化趋势
-            <img src="/images/line.png" v-if="currentTab === 'element-change-trend'" />
-        </div>
-        <div class="tab-item" @click="onTabClick('element-monitor')" :class="{'active': currentTab === 'element-monitor'}">
-            植被和气候要素的监测
-            <img src="/images/line.png" v-if="currentTab === 'element-monitor'" />
-        </div>
+  <div class="tabs">
+    <div class="tab-item" @click="onTabClick('plant-change')" :class="{'active': currentTab === 'plant-change'}">
+      植被变化对气候的影响
+      <img src="/images/line.png" v-if="currentTab === 'plant-change'"/>
+    </div>
+    <div class="tab-item" @click="onTabClick('plant-distribute')"
+         :class="{'active': currentTab === 'plant-distribute'}">
+      植被分布对气候的影响
+      <img src="/images/line.png" v-if="currentTab === 'plant-distribute'"/>
+    </div>
+    <div class="tab-item" @click="onTabClick('element-change-trend')"
+         :class="{'active': currentTab === 'element-change-trend'}">
+      植被和气候要素变化趋势
+      <img src="/images/line.png" v-if="currentTab === 'element-change-trend'"/>
-    <div class="main">
-        <div class="menu panel">
-            <div class="menu-item" v-if="currentTab === 'plant-change' || currentTab === 'plant-distribute'">
-                <h2 class="tip">要素选择</h2>
-                <el-row :gutter="12">
-                    <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onElementClick('NDVI')" :class="{'active': currentElement === 'NDVI'}">归一化植被指数NDVI</span></el-col>
-                    <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onElementClick('LAI')" :class="{'active': currentElement === 'LAI'}">叶面积指数LAI</span></el-col>
-                    <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onElementClick('EVI')" :class="{'active': currentElement === 'EVI'}">增强植被指数EVI</span></el-col>
-                </el-row>
-            </div>
-            <div class="menu-item" v-if="currentTab === 'element-change-trend' || currentTab === 'element-monitor'">
-                <h2 class="tip">要素选择</h2>
-                <el-row :gutter="12">
-                    <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onCategoryClick('LST')" :class="{'active': currentCategory === 'LST'}">地表温度LST</span></el-col>
-                    <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onCategoryClick('LAI')" :class="{'active': currentCategory === 'LAI'}">叶面积指数LAI</span></el-col>
-                    <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onCategoryClick('EVI')" :class="{'active': currentCategory === 'EVI'}">增强植被指数EVI</span></el-col>
-                    <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onCategoryClick('NDVI')" :class="{'active': currentCategory === 'NDVI'}">归一化植被指数NDVI</span></el-col>
-                    <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onCategoryClick('Albedo')" :class="{'active': currentCategory === 'Albedo'}">反照率Albedo</span></el-col>
-                    <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onCategoryClick('Evapotranspiration')" :class="{'active': currentCategory === 'Evapotranspiration'}">蒸散发Evapotranspiration</span></el-col>
-                    <el-col :span="24" v-if="currentTab === 'element-monitor'"><span @click="onCategoryClick('土地覆盖类型')" :class="{'active': currentCategory === '土地覆盖类型'}">土地覆盖类型</span></el-col>
-                </el-row>
-            </div>
-            <div class="menu-item" v-if="currentTab === 'element-monitor'">
-                <h2 class="tip">时间点选择</h2>
-                <el-row :gutter="12">
-                    <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onTimeClick('time0130')" :class="{'active': currentTime === 'time0130'}">地表温度(01:30)</span></el-col>
-                    <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onTimeClick('time1030')" :class="{'active': currentTime === 'time1030'}">地表温度(10:30)</span></el-col>
-                    <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onTimeClick('time1330')" :class="{'active': currentTime === 'time1330'}">地表温度(13:30)</span></el-col>
-                    <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onTimeClick('time2230')" :class="{'active': currentTime === 'time2230'}">地表温度(22:30)</span></el-col>
-                </el-row>
-            </div>
-          <div class="menu-item" v-if="currentTab === 'element-change-trend'">
-            <h2 class="tip">时间点选择</h2>
-            <el-row :gutter="12">
-              <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onSurfaceTemperatureClick('time0130')" :class="{'active': currentSurfaceTemperatureTime === 'time0130'}">地表温度(01:30)</span></el-col>
-              <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onSurfaceTemperatureClick('time1030')" :class="{'active': currentSurfaceTemperatureTime === 'time1030'}">地表温度(10:30)</span></el-col>
-              <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onSurfaceTemperatureClick('time1330')" :class="{'active': currentSurfaceTemperatureTime === 'time1330'}">地表温度(13:30)</span></el-col>
-              <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onSurfaceTemperatureClick('time2230')" :class="{'active': currentSurfaceTemperatureTime === 'time2230'}">地表温度(22:30)</span></el-col>
-            </el-row>
-          </div>
+    <div class="tab-item" @click="onTabClick('element-monitor')" :class="{'active': currentTab === 'element-monitor'}">
+      植被和气候要素的监测
+      <img src="/images/line.png" v-if="currentTab === 'element-monitor'"/>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="main">
+    <div class="menu panel">
+      <div class="menu-item" v-if="currentTab === 'plant-change' || currentTab === 'plant-distribute'">
+        <h2 class="tip">要素选择</h2>
+        <el-row :gutter="12">
+          <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onElementClick('NDVI')" :class="{'active': currentElement === 'NDVI'}">归一化植被指数NDVI</span>
+          </el-col>
+          <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onElementClick('LAI')"
+                                   :class="{'active': currentElement === 'LAI'}">叶面积指数LAI</span></el-col>
+          <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onElementClick('EVI')" :class="{'active': currentElement === 'EVI'}">增强植被指数EVI</span>
+          </el-col>
+        </el-row>
+      </div>
+      <div class="menu-item" v-if="currentTab === 'element-change-trend' || currentTab === 'element-monitor'">
+        <h2 class="tip">要素选择</h2>
+        <el-row :gutter="12">
+          <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onCategoryClick('LST')" :class="{'active': currentCategory === 'LST'}">地表温度LST</span>
+          </el-col>
+          <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onCategoryClick('LAI')" :class="{'active': currentCategory === 'LAI'}">叶面积指数LAI</span>
+          </el-col>
+          <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onCategoryClick('EVI')" :class="{'active': currentCategory === 'EVI'}">增强植被指数EVI</span>
+          </el-col>
+          <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onCategoryClick('NDVI')" :class="{'active': currentCategory === 'NDVI'}">归一化植被指数NDVI</span>
+          </el-col>
+          <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onCategoryClick('Albedo')" :class="{'active': currentCategory === 'Albedo'}">反照率Albedo</span>
+          </el-col>
+          <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onCategoryClick('Evapotranspiration')"
+                                   :class="{'active': currentCategory === 'Evapotranspiration'}">蒸散发Evapotranspiration</span>
+          </el-col>
+          <el-col :span="24" v-if="currentTab === 'element-monitor'"><span @click="onCategoryClick('landCoverTypes')"
+                                                                           :class="{'active': currentCategory === 'landCoverTypes'}">土地覆盖类型</span>
+          </el-col>
+        </el-row>
+      </div>
+      <div class="menu-item" v-if="currentTab === 'element-monitor' && iStTimeRange">
+        <h2 class="tip">时间点选择</h2>
+        <el-row :gutter="12">
+          <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onTimeClick('time0130')" :class="{'active': currentTime === 'time0130'}">地表温度(01:30)</span>
+          </el-col>
+          <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onTimeClick('time1030')" :class="{'active': currentTime === 'time1030'}">地表温度(10:30)</span>
+          </el-col>
+          <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onTimeClick('time1330')" :class="{'active': currentTime === 'time1330'}">地表温度(13:30)</span>
+          </el-col>
+          <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onTimeClick('time2230')" :class="{'active': currentTime === 'time2230'}">地表温度(22:30)</span>
+          </el-col>
+        </el-row>
+      </div>
+      <div class="menu-item" v-if="currentTab === 'element-change-trend'">
+        <h2 class="tip">时间点选择</h2>
+        <el-row :gutter="12">
+          <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onSurfaceTemperatureClick('time0130')"
+                                   :class="{'active': currentSurfaceTemperatureTime === 'time0130'}">地表温度(01:30)</span>
+          </el-col>
+          <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onSurfaceTemperatureClick('time1030')"
+                                   :class="{'active': currentSurfaceTemperatureTime === 'time1030'}">地表温度(10:30)</span>
+          </el-col>
+          <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onSurfaceTemperatureClick('time1330')"
+                                   :class="{'active': currentSurfaceTemperatureTime === 'time1330'}">地表温度(13:30)</span>
+          </el-col>
+          <el-col :span="24"><span @click="onSurfaceTemperatureClick('time2230')"
+                                   :class="{'active': currentSurfaceTemperatureTime === 'time2230'}">地表温度(22:30)</span>
+          </el-col>
+        </el-row>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="container panel synergy-container">
+      <span class="save-btn" @click="onSaveClick"><img src="/images/save.png"/></span>
+      <div class="download-pictures" id="pictures">
+        <a v-for="(url, index) in urls" :key="index" download></a>
+      </div>
+      <div class="element-select" v-if="currentTab === 'element-change-trend' || currentTab === 'element-monitor'">
+        <!--                <div class="surface-temperature" v-if="currentTab === 'element-change-trend' && currentCategory === 'LST'">-->
+        <!--                    <span @click="onSurfaceTemperatureClick('time0130')" :class="{'active': currentSurfaceTemperatureTime === 'time0130'}">地表温度(01:30)</span>-->
+        <!--                    <span @click="onSurfaceTemperatureClick('time1030')" :class="{'active': currentSurfaceTemperatureTime === 'time1030'}">地表温度(10:30)</span>-->
+        <!--                    <span @click="onSurfaceTemperatureClick('time1330')" :class="{'active': currentSurfaceTemperatureTime === 'time1330'}">地表温度(13:30)</span>-->
+        <!--                    <span @click="onSurfaceTemperatureClick('time2230')" :class="{'active': currentSurfaceTemperatureTime === 'time2230'}">地表温度(22:30)</span>-->
+        <!--                </div>-->
+        <div class="surface-temperature" v-if="currentTab === 'element-monitor'">
+          <span @click="onYearClick(item)" :class="{'active': currentYear === item }" v-for="item in time">{{ item }}</span>
+<!--          <span @click="onYearClick('2000')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2000'}">2000</span>-->
+<!--          <span @click="onYearClick('2001')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2001'}">2001</span>-->
+<!--          <span @click="onYearClick('2002')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2002'}">2002</span>-->
+<!--          <span @click="onYearClick('2003')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2003'}">2003</span>-->
+<!--          <span @click="onYearClick('2004')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2004'}">2004</span>-->
+<!--          <span @click="onYearClick('2005')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2005'}">2005</span>-->
+<!--          <span @click="onYearClick('2006')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2006'}">2006</span>-->
+<!--          <span @click="onYearClick('2007')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2007'}">2007</span>-->
+<!--          <span @click="onYearClick('2008')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2008'}">2008</span>-->
+<!--          <span @click="onYearClick('2009')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2009'}">2009</span>-->
+<!--          <span @click="onYearClick('2010')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2010'}">2010</span>-->
+<!--          <span @click="onYearClick('2011')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2011'}">2011</span>-->
+<!--          <span @click="onYearClick('2012')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2012'}">2012</span>-->
+<!--          <span @click="onYearClick('2013')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2013'}">2013</span>-->
+<!--          <span @click="onYearClick('2014')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2014'}">2014</span>-->
+<!--          <span @click="onYearClick('2015')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2015'}">2015</span>-->
+<!--          <span @click="onYearClick('2016')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2016'}">2016</span>-->
+<!--          <span @click="onYearClick('2017')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2017'}">2017</span>-->
+<!--          <span @click="onYearClick('2018')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2018'}">2018</span>-->
+<!--          <span @click="onYearClick('2019')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2019'}">2019</span>-->
+<!--          <span @click="onYearClick('2020')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2020'}">2020</span>-->
+<!--          <span @click="onYearClick('multi-years')"-->
+<!--                :class="{'active': currentYear === 'multi-years'}">多年平均值2000-2020</span>-->
+      </div>
+      <div class="picture-view synergy-picture-view"
+           v-if="currentTab === 'plant-change' || currentTab === 'plant-distribute'">
+        <el-row :gutter="0">
+          <el-col :span="8" v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index">
+            <h2 class="title">{{ item.title }}</h2>
+            <el-image
+                :src="item.imgUrl"
+                :preview-src-list="item.preview"
+                :initial-index="0"
+                fit="contain"
+            >
+              <template #error>
+                <div class="image-slot">
+                  <img src="/images/null-picture.png"/>
+                </div>
+                <p class="image-tip">暂无图片</p>
+              </template>
+              <template #placeholder>
+                <div class="image-placeholder">正在加载...</div>
+              </template>
+            </el-image>
+          </el-col>
+        </el-row>
+      </div>
-        <div class="container panel synergy-container">
-            <span class="save-btn" @click="onSaveClick"><img src="/images/save.png" /></span>
-            <div class="download-pictures" id="pictures">
-                <a v-for="(url, index) in urls" :key="index" download></a>
-            </div>
-            <div class="element-select" v-if="currentTab === 'element-change-trend' || currentTab === 'element-monitor'">
-<!--                <div class="surface-temperature" v-if="currentTab === 'element-change-trend' && currentCategory === 'LST'">-->
-<!--                    <span @click="onSurfaceTemperatureClick('time0130')" :class="{'active': currentSurfaceTemperatureTime === 'time0130'}">地表温度(01:30)</span>-->
-<!--                    <span @click="onSurfaceTemperatureClick('time1030')" :class="{'active': currentSurfaceTemperatureTime === 'time1030'}">地表温度(10:30)</span>-->
-<!--                    <span @click="onSurfaceTemperatureClick('time1330')" :class="{'active': currentSurfaceTemperatureTime === 'time1330'}">地表温度(13:30)</span>-->
-<!--                    <span @click="onSurfaceTemperatureClick('time2230')" :class="{'active': currentSurfaceTemperatureTime === 'time2230'}">地表温度(22:30)</span>-->
-<!--                </div>-->
-                <div class="surface-temperature" v-if="currentTab === 'element-monitor'">
-                    <span @click="onYearClick('2000')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2000'}">2000</span>
-                    <span @click="onYearClick('2001')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2001'}">2001</span>
-                    <span @click="onYearClick('2002')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2002'}">2002</span>
-                    <span @click="onYearClick('2003')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2003'}">2003</span>
-                    <span @click="onYearClick('2004')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2004'}">2004</span>
-                    <span @click="onYearClick('2005')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2005'}">2005</span>
-                    <span @click="onYearClick('2006')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2006'}">2006</span>
-                    <span @click="onYearClick('2007')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2007'}">2007</span>
-                    <span @click="onYearClick('2008')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2008'}">2008</span>
-                    <span @click="onYearClick('2009')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2009'}">2009</span>
-                    <span @click="onYearClick('2010')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2010'}">2010</span>
-                    <span @click="onYearClick('2011')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2011'}">2011</span>
-                    <span @click="onYearClick('2012')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2012'}">2012</span>
-                    <span @click="onYearClick('2013')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2013'}">2013</span>
-                    <span @click="onYearClick('2014')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2014'}">2014</span>
-                    <span @click="onYearClick('2015')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2015'}">2015</span>
-                    <span @click="onYearClick('2016')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2016'}">2016</span>
-                    <span @click="onYearClick('2017')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2017'}">2017</span>
-                    <span @click="onYearClick('2018')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2018'}">2018</span>
-                    <span @click="onYearClick('2019')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2019'}">2019</span>
-                    <span @click="onYearClick('2020')" :class="{'active': currentYear === '2020'}">2020</span>
-                    <span @click="onYearClick('multi-years')" :class="{'active': currentYear === 'multi-years'}">多年平均值2000-2020</span>
+      <div class="picture-view multi-picture-view scroll"
+           v-if="currentTab === 'element-change-trend' || currentTab === 'element-monitor'"
+           :style="{'marginTop': currentTab === 'element-change-trend' ? 'calc(0.34rem + 2px)' : 0}">
+        <el-row :gutter="20" v-if="currentCategory !== 'landCoverTypes'">
+          <el-col :span="12" v-for="(item, index) in trendItems" :key="index">
+            <el-image
+                :src="item.imgUrl"
+                :preview-src-list="item.preview"
+                :initial-index="0"
+                fit="contain"
+            >
+              <template #error>
+                <div class="image-slot">
+                  <img src="/images/null-picture.png"/>
-            </div>
-            <div class="picture-view synergy-picture-view" v-if="currentTab === 'plant-change' || currentTab === 'plant-distribute'">
-                <el-row :gutter="0">
-                    <el-col :span="8" v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index">
-                        <h2 class="title">{{item.title}}</h2>
-                        <el-image
-                        :src="item.imgUrl"
-                        :preview-src-list="item.preview"
-                        :initial-index="0"
-                        fit="contain"
-                        >
-                            <template #error>
-                                <div class="image-slot">
-                                    <img src="/images/null-picture.png" />
-                                </div>
-                                <p class="image-tip">暂无图片</p>
-                            </template>
-                            <template #placeholder>
-                                <div class="image-placeholder">正在加载...</div>
-                            </template>
-                        </el-image>
-                    </el-col>
-                </el-row>
-            </div>
-            <div class="picture-view multi-picture-view scroll" v-if="currentTab === 'element-change-trend' || currentTab === 'element-monitor'" :style="{'marginTop': currentTab === 'element-change-trend' ? 'calc(0.34rem + 2px)' : 0}">
-                <el-row :gutter="20">
-                    <el-col :span="12" v-for="(item, index) in trendItems" :key="index">
-                        <el-image
-                        :src="item.imgUrl"
-                        :preview-src-list="item.preview"
-                        :initial-index="0"
-                        fit="contain"
-                        >
-                            <template #error>
-                                <div class="image-slot">
-                                    <img src="/images/null-picture.png" />
-                                </div>
-                                <p class="image-tip">暂无图片</p>
-                            </template>
-                            <template #placeholder>
-                                <div class="image-placeholder">正在加载...</div>
-                            </template>
-                        </el-image>
-                    </el-col>
-                </el-row>
-            </div>
-        </div>
+                <p class="image-tip">暂无图片</p>
+              </template>
+              <template #placeholder>
+                <div class="image-placeholder">正在加载...</div>
+              </template>
+            </el-image>
+          </el-col>
+        </el-row>
+        <el-row :gutter="20" v-if="currentCategory === 'landCoverTypes'">
+          <el-col :span="12" v-for="(item, index) in landCoverTypesDate" :key="index">
+            <el-image
+                :src="item.imgUrl"
+                :preview-src-list="item.preview"
+                :initial-index="0"
+                fit="contain"
+            >
+              <template #error>
+                <div class="image-slot">
+                  <img src="/images/null-picture.png"/>
+                </div>
+                <p class="image-tip">暂无图片</p>
+              </template>
+              <template #placeholder>
+                <div class="image-placeholder">正在加载...</div>
+              </template>
+            </el-image>
+          </el-col>
+        </el-row>
+      </div>
+  </div>
 <script lang="ts">
-    import { onMounted, reactive, toRefs } from 'vue';
-    import { format } from '../uilts/String';
-    import * as Tiff from 'browser-tiff.js';
-    import { SynergyEvaluationConfig } from '../uilts/Config';
-    import { post } from '../uilts/axios';
-    export default {
-        name: 'SynergyEvaluation',
-        setup() {
-            let options = reactive({
-                currentTab: 'plant-change',
-                currentElement: 'NDVI',
-                currentCategory: 'LST',
-                currentTime: 'time0130',
-                currentYear: '2000',
-                currentSurfaceTemperatureTime: 'time0130',
-                srcList: [],
-                imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
-                imgUrls: [],
-                items: [{
-                    title: '地表温度(01:30)',
-                    type: 'temperature0130',
-                    imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
-                    preview: []
-                }, {
-                    title: '地表温度(10:30)',
-                    type: 'temperature1030',
-                    imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
-                    preview: []
-                }, {
-                    title: '地表温度(13:30)',
-                    type: 'temperature1330',
-                    imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
-                    preview: []
-                }, {
-                    title: '地表温度(22:30)',
-                    type: 'temperature2230',
-                    imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
-                    preview: []
-                }, {
-                    title: '反照率',
-                    type: 'albedo',
-                    imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
-                    preview: []
-                }, {
-                    title: '蒸散发',
-                    type: 'evaporation',
-                    imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
-                    preview: []
-                }],
-                trendItems: [{
-                    type: 'month_01',
-                    imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
-                    preview: []
-                }, {
-                    type: 'month_02',
-                    imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
-                    preview: []
-                }, {
-                    type: 'month_03',
-                    imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
-                    preview: []
-                }, {
-                    type: 'month_04',
-                    imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
-                    preview: []
-                }, {
-                    type: 'month_05',
-                    imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
-                    preview: []
-                }, {
-                    type: 'month_06',
-                    imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
-                    preview: []
-                }, {
-                    type: 'month_07',
-                    imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
-                    preview: []
-                }, {
-                    type: 'month_08',
-                    imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
-                    preview: []
-                }, {
-                    type: 'month_09',
-                    imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
-                    preview: []
-                }, {
-                    type: 'month_10',
-                    imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
-                    preview: []
-                }, {
-                    type: 'month_11',
-                    imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
-                    preview: []
-                }, {
-                    type: 'month_12',
-                    imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
-                    preview: []
-                }],
-                urls: []
-            })
-            onMounted(() => {
-                setImage(6, options.items, options.currentElement);
-            })
-            const setImage = (number, values, element) => {
-                for(let index = 0; index < number; index ++){
-                    initImage(options.currentTab, element, values[index].type, index, values);
-                }
-                options.urls = values;
+import {onMounted, reactive, toRefs} from 'vue';
+import {format} from '../uilts/String';
+import * as Tiff from 'browser-tiff.js';
+import {SynergyEvaluationConfig} from '../uilts/Config';
+import {post} from '../uilts/axios';
+export default {
+  name: 'SynergyEvaluation',
+  setup() {
+    let options = reactive({
+      currentTab: 'plant-change',
+      currentElement: 'NDVI',
+      currentCategory: 'LST',
+      currentTime: 'time0130',
+      currentYear: '2000',
+      currentSurfaceTemperatureTime: 'time0130',
+      srcList: [],
+      imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+      imgUrls: [],
+      items: [{
+        title: '地表温度(01:30)',
+        type: 'temperature0130',
+        imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+        preview: []
+      }, {
+        title: '地表温度(10:30)',
+        type: 'temperature1030',
+        imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+        preview: []
+      }, {
+        title: '地表温度(13:30)',
+        type: 'temperature1330',
+        imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+        preview: []
+      }, {
+        title: '地表温度(22:30)',
+        type: 'temperature2230',
+        imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+        preview: []
+      }, {
+        title: '反照率',
+        type: 'albedo',
+        imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+        preview: []
+      }, {
+        title: '蒸散发',
+        type: 'evaporation',
+        imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+        preview: []
+      }],
+      trendItems: [{
+        type: 'month_01',
+        imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+        preview: []
+      }, {
+        type: 'month_02',
+        imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+        preview: []
+      }, {
+        type: 'month_03',
+        imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+        preview: []
+      }, {
+        type: 'month_04',
+        imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+        preview: []
+      }, {
+        type: 'month_05',
+        imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+        preview: []
+      }, {
+        type: 'month_06',
+        imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+        preview: []
+      }, {
+        type: 'month_07',
+        imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+        preview: []
+      }, {
+        type: 'month_08',
+        imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+        preview: []
+      }, {
+        type: 'month_09',
+        imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+        preview: []
+      }, {
+        type: 'month_10',
+        imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+        preview: []
+      }, {
+        type: 'month_11',
+        imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+        preview: []
+      }, {
+        type: 'month_12',
+        imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+        preview: []
+      }],
+      urls: [],
+      SwitchElementsData: [
+        {
+          elementCode: "LST",
+          isTimeRange: true,
+          isDateRange: true,
+          timeRange: [
+            {
+              time: 'time0130',
+              dateRange: ['2002', '2003', '2004', '2005', '2006', '2007', '2008', '2009', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018', '2019', '2020', '多年平均值(2002-2020)']
+            },
+            {
+              time: 'time1030',
+              dateRange: ['2000', '2001', '2002', '2003', '2004', '2005', '2006', '2007', '2008', '2009', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018', '2019', '2020', '多年平均值(2000-2020)']
+            },
+            {
+              time: 'time1330',
+              dateRange: ['2002', '2003', '2004', '2005', '2006', '2007', '2008', '2009', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018', '2019', '2020', '多年平均值(2002-2020)']
+            },
+            {
+              time: 'time2230',
+              dateRange: ['2000', '2001', '2002', '2003', '2004', '2005', '2006', '2007', '2008', '2009', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018', '2019', '2020', '多年平均值(2000-2020)']
+          ],
+        },
+        {
+          elementCode: "LAI",
+          isTimeRange: false,
+          isDateRange: true,
+          timeRange: ['2002', '2003', '2004', '2005', '2006', '2007', '2008', '2009', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018', '2019', '2020', '多年平均值(2002-2020)']
+        },
+        {
+          elementCode: "EVI",
+          isTimeRange: false,
+          isDateRange: true,
+          timeRange: ['2000', '2001', '2002', '2003', '2004', '2005', '2006', '2007', '2008', '2009', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018', '2019', '2020', '多年平均值(2000-2020)']
+        },
+        {
+          elementCode: "NDVI",
+          isTimeRange: false,
+          isDateRange: true,
+          timeRange: ['2000', '2001', '2002', '2003', '2004', '2005', '2006', '2007', '2008', '2009', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018', '2019', '2020']
+        },
+        {
+          elementCode: "Albedo",
+          isTimeRange: false,
+          isDateRange: true,
+          timeRange: ['2000', '2001', '2002', '2003', '2004', '2005', '2006', '2007', '2008', '2009', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018', '2019', '2020', '多年平均值(2000-2020)']
+        },
+        {
+          elementCode: "Evapotranspiration",
+          isTimeRange: false,
+          isDateRange: true,
+          timeRange: ['2000', '2001', '2002', '2003', '2004', '2005', '2006', '2007', '2008', '2009', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018', '2019', '2020', '多年平均值(2000-2020)']
+        },
+        {
+          elementCode: "landCoverTypes",
+          isTimeRange: false,
+          isDateRange: false,
+          timeRange: []
+        },
+      ],
+      iStTimeRange: true,
+      isDateRange: true,
+      timeRange: true,
+      time: [],
+      landCoverTypesDate: [
+        {
+          type: '2001',
+          imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+          preview: []
+        }, {
+          type: '2002',
+          imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+          preview: []
+        }, {
+          type: '2003',
+          imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+          preview: []
+        }, {
+          type: '2004',
+          imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+          preview: []
+        }, {
+          type: '2005',
+          imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+          preview: []
+        }, {
+          type: '2006',
+          imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+          preview: []
+        }, {
+          type: '2007',
+          imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+          preview: []
+        }, {
+          type: '2008',
+          imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+          preview: []
+        }, {
+          type: '2009',
+          imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+          preview: []
+        }, {
+          type: '2010',
+          imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+          preview: []
+        }, {
+          type: '2011',
+          imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+          preview: []
+        }, {
+          type: '2012',
+          imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+          preview: []
+        }, {
+          type: '2013',
+          imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+          preview: []
+        }, {
+          type: '2014',
+          imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+          preview: []
+        }, {
+          type: '2015',
+          imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+          preview: []
+        }, {
+          type: '2016',
+          imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+          preview: []
+        }, {
+          type: '2017',
+          imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+          preview: []
+        }, {
+          type: '2018',
+          imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+          preview: []
+        }, {
+          type: '2019',
+          imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
+          preview: []
+        }
+      ]
+    })
-            const initImage = (tabName, elementName, type, index, values) => {
-                post("/image/convert", {url: SynergyEvaluationConfig.getUrl(tabName, elementName, type)}).then((response: any) => {
-                    if (response.error != 0){
-                        return;
-                    }
+    onMounted(() => {
+      setTimeout(() => {
+        changeElementCode(options.currentCategory, options.currentTime)
+      },500)
+      setImage(6, options.items, options.currentElement);
+    })
-                    values[index].imgUrl = response.data;
-                    values[index].preview = [response.data];
-                });
-            }
-            const onTabClick = (name) => {
-                options.currentTab = name;
-                if(options.currentTab === 'plant-change' || options.currentTab === 'plant-distribute')
-                    setImage(6, options.items, options.currentElement);
-                else if(options.currentTab === 'element-change-trend')
-                    setImage(12, options.trendItems, options.currentCategory + '/' + options.currentSurfaceTemperatureTime);
-                else 
-                    setImage(12, options.trendItems, options.currentCategory + '/' + options.currentTime + '/' + options.currentYear);
-            }
+    const setImage = (number, values, element) => {
+      if (options.currentCategory == 'landCoverTypes') {
+        values = options.landCoverTypesDate
+        for (let index = 0; index < 19; index++) {
+          initImage(options.currentTab, element, values[index].type, index, values);
+        }
+      }
+      else {
+        for (let index = 0; index < number; index++) {
+          initImage(options.currentTab, element, values[index].type, index, values);
+        }
+      }
+      options.urls = values;
+    }
-            const onElementClick = (element) => {
-                options.currentElement = element;
-                setImage(6, options.items, options.currentElement);
-            }
+    const initImage = (tabName, elementName, type, index, values) => {
+      elementName = elementName.replace('多年平均值','yearsAverage');
+      post("/image/convert", {url: SynergyEvaluationConfig.getUrl(tabName, elementName, type)}).then((response: any) => {
+        if (response.error != 0) {
+          return;
+        }
+        values[index].imgUrl = response.data;
+        values[index].preview = [response.data];
+      });
+    }
-            const onCategoryClick = (category) => {
-                options.currentCategory = category;
-                if(options.currentTab === 'element-change-trend')
-                    setImage(12, options.trendItems, options.currentCategory + '/' + options.currentSurfaceTemperatureTime);
-                else 
-                    setImage(12, options.trendItems, options.currentCategory + '/' + options.currentTime + '/' + options.currentYear);
-            }
+    const onTabClick = (name) => {
+      options.currentTab = name;
-            const onTimeClick = (time) => {
-                options.currentTime = time;
-            }
+      if (options.currentTab === 'plant-change' || options.currentTab === 'plant-distribute')
+        setImage(6, options.items, options.currentElement);
+      else if (options.currentTab === 'element-change-trend')
+        setImage(12, options.trendItems, options.currentCategory + '/' + options.currentSurfaceTemperatureTime);
+      else {
+        if (options.iStTimeRange == false) {
+          setImage(12, options.trendItems, options.currentCategory  + '/' + options.currentYear);
+        }
+        if (options.isDateRange == false) {
+          setImage(12, options.trendItems, options.currentCategory  + '/' );
+        }
+        setImage(12, options.trendItems, options.currentCategory + '/' + options.currentTime + '/' + options.currentYear);
+      }
-            const onSurfaceTemperatureClick = (value) => {
-                options.currentSurfaceTemperatureTime = value;
-                setImage(12, options.trendItems, options.currentCategory + '/' + options.currentSurfaceTemperatureTime);
-            }
-            const onYearClick = (year) => {
-                options.currentYear = year;
-                setImage(12, options.trendItems, options.currentCategory + '/' + options.currentTime + '/' + options.currentYear);
-            }
+    }
-            const onSaveClick = () => {
-                let pictures = document.getElementById('pictures');
-                for (let i = 0; i < options.urls.length; i++) {
-                    let img = new Image();
-                    img.src = options.urls[i].imgUrl;
-                    let canvas = document.createElement("canvas") as HTMLCanvasElement;
-                    canvas.width = img.width;
-                    canvas.height = img.height;
-                    let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
-                    let base64 = '';
-                    img.setAttribute("crossOrigin",'Anonymous');
-                    img.onload = function() {
-                        ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);    
-                        base64 = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
-                        pictures.children[i].setAttribute('href', base64);
-                        let button: HTMLElement = pictures.children[i] as HTMLElement;
-                        setTimeout(() => {
-                            button.click();
-                        }, 500);
-                    };
-                }
-            }
+    const onElementClick = (element) => {
+      options.currentElement = element;
+      setImage(6, options.items, options.currentElement);
+    }
-            return {
-                ...toRefs(options),
-                onTabClick,
-                onElementClick,
-                onCategoryClick,
-                onSurfaceTemperatureClick,
-                onYearClick,
-                onTimeClick,
-                onSaveClick
-            }
+    const onCategoryClick = (category) => {
+      options.currentCategory = category;
+      changeElementCode(category, options.currentTime)
+      if (options.currentTab === 'element-change-trend') {
+        setImage(12, options.trendItems, options.currentCategory + '/' + options.currentSurfaceTemperatureTime);
+      }
+      else {
+        interpretation()
+      }
+    }
+    const onTimeClick = (time) => {
+      options.currentTime = time;
+      changeElementCode(options.currentCategory, options.currentTime)
+      interpretation()
+    }
+    const onSurfaceTemperatureClick = (value) => {
+      options.currentSurfaceTemperatureTime = value;
+    }
+    const onYearClick = (year) => {
+      options.currentYear = year;
+      interpretation()
+    }
+    const onSaveClick = () => {
+      let pictures = document.getElementById('pictures');
+      for (let i = 0; i < options.urls.length; i++) {
+        let img = new Image();
+        img.src = options.urls[i].imgUrl;
+        let canvas = document.createElement("canvas") as HTMLCanvasElement;
+        canvas.width = img.width;
+        canvas.height = img.height;
+        let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
+        let base64 = '';
+        img.setAttribute("crossOrigin", 'Anonymous');
+        img.onload = function () {
+          ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
+          base64 = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
+          pictures.children[i].setAttribute('href', base64);
+          let button: HTMLElement = pictures.children[i] as HTMLElement;
+          setTimeout(() => {
+            button.click();
+          }, 500);
+        };
+      }
+    }
+    const changeElementCode = (code, nowTime) => {
+      options.time = []
+      let elementCode = options.SwitchElementsData.filter(d => d.elementCode == code)
+      options.iStTimeRange = elementCode[0].isTimeRange
+      options.isDateRange = elementCode[0].isDateRange
+      elementCode[0].timeRange.forEach(item => {
+        if (item.time) {
+          if (item.time == nowTime) {
+            options.time = item.dateRange
+            options.currentYear = item.dateRange[0]
+          }
+        }
+        else {
+          options.time = elementCode[0].timeRange
+          options.currentYear =  elementCode[0].timeRange[0]
+        }
+      })
+    }
+    const interpretation = () => {
+      if (options.iStTimeRange == false) {
+        if (options.isDateRange == false) {
+          setImage(12, options.trendItems, options.currentCategory );
+          return;
+        setImage(12, options.trendItems, options.currentCategory  + '/' + options.currentYear);
+      } else {
+        setImage(12, options.trendItems, options.currentCategory + '/' + options.currentTime + '/' + options.currentYear);
+      }
+    return {
+      ...toRefs(options),
+      onTabClick,
+      onElementClick,
+      onCategoryClick,
+      onSurfaceTemperatureClick,
+      onYearClick,
+      onTimeClick,
+      onSaveClick
+    }
+  }
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-            padding: 0.2rem 0 0.2rem 0.2rem;
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-            z-index: 9999;
-          }
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-                display: flex;
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-                            align-items: center;
-                            background-color: #ffffff;
-                            .image-slot {
-                                margin-top: 0;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            .multi-picture-view {
-              width: 100%;
-              height: calc(~"100% - 0.2rem");
-                :deep(.el-row) {
-                    height: 100%;
-                    padding-top: 10px;
-                    margin-left: 0!important;
-                    margin-right: 0!important;
-                    .el-col {
-                        max-width: calc(~"(100% / 4) - 0.2rem");
-                        height: 50%;
-                        margin: 0.2rem 0.2rem 0 0;
-                        border: 1px solid #666666;
-                        .el-image {
-                            height: 100%;
-                            display: flex;
-                            align-items: center;
-                            flex-direction: column;
-                            justify-content: center;
-                        }
-                        //&:nth-of-type(6n) {
-                        //    margin-right: 0;
-                        //}
-                    }
-                }
+.main {
+  .synergy-container {
+    height: calc(~"100% - 0.6rem");
+    padding: 0.2rem 0 0.2rem 0.2rem;
+    .save-btn {
+      z-index: 9999;
+    }
+    .synergy-picture-view {
+      width: 100%;
+      height: 100%;
+      display: flex;
+      :deep(.el-row) {
+        width: 100%;
+        .title {
+          padding: 0;
+          font-size: 0.22rem;
+        }
+        .el-col {
+          height: 46%;
+          margin-top: 1%;
+          text-align: center;
+          .el-image {
+            height: calc(~"100% - 0.4rem");
+            margin-top: 0.1rem;
+            display: flex;
+            flex-direction: column;
+            justify-content: center;
+            align-items: center;
+            background-color: #ffffff;
+            .image-slot {
+              margin-top: 0;
-          .scroll {
-            overflow-y: scroll;
-            .element-select {
-                position: relative;
-                .surface-temperature {
-                    display: flex;
-                    align-items: center;
-                    border-left: 1px solid #498DF0;
-                    span {
-                        height: 0.34rem;
-                        padding: 0 0.1rem;
-                        text-align: center;
-                        line-height: 0.34rem;
-                        border: 1px solid #498DF0;
-                        border-left: 0;
-                        cursor: pointer;
-                        &.active {
-                            color: #ffffff;
-                            background-color: #498DF0;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            .save-btn {
-                right: 0.2rem;
-                top: 0.2rem;
-                z-index: 9999!important;
-            }
+      }
+    }
+    .multi-picture-view {
+      width: 100%;
+      height: calc(~"100% - 0.2rem");
+      :deep(.el-row) {
+        height: 100%;
+        padding-top: 10px;
+        margin-left: 0 !important;
+        margin-right: 0 !important;
+        .el-col {
+          max-width: calc(~"(100% / 4) - 0.2rem");
+          height: 50%;
+          margin: 0.2rem 0.2rem 0 0;
+          border: 1px solid #666666;
+          .el-image {
+            height: 100%;
+            display: flex;
+            align-items: center;
+            flex-direction: column;
+            justify-content: center;
+          }
+          //&:nth-of-type(6n) {
+          //    margin-right: 0;
+          //}
+        }
+      }
-    ::-webkit-scrollbar {
-      width: 8px;
-      border-radius: 4px;
+    .scroll {
+      overflow-y: scroll;
-    ::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
-      background-color: inherit;
-      -webkit-border-radius: 4px;
-      -moz-border-radius: 4px;
-      border-radius: 4px;
+    .element-select {
+      position: relative;
+      .surface-temperature {
+        display: flex;
+        align-items: center;
+        border-left: 1px solid #498DF0;
+        span {
+          height: 0.34rem;
+          padding: 0 0.1rem;
+          text-align: center;
+          line-height: 0.34rem;
+          border: 1px solid #498DF0;
+          border-left: 0;
+          cursor: pointer;
+          &.active {
+            color: #ffffff;
+            background-color: #498DF0;
+          }
+        }
+      }
-    ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
-      background-color: #c3c9cd;
-      -webkit-border-radius: 4px;
-      -moz-border-radius: 4px;
-      border-radius: 4px;
+    .save-btn {
+      right: 0.2rem;
+      top: 0.2rem;
+      z-index: 9999 !important;
+  }
+::-webkit-scrollbar {
+  width: 8px;
+  border-radius: 4px;
+::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
+  background-color: inherit;
+  -webkit-border-radius: 4px;
+  -moz-border-radius: 4px;
+  border-radius: 4px;
+::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
+  background-color: #c3c9cd;
+  -webkit-border-radius: 4px;
+  -moz-border-radius: 4px;
+  border-radius: 4px;
diff --git a/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/router/index.ts b/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/router/index.ts
index 3157156..da43b12 100644
--- a/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/router/index.ts
+++ b/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/router/index.ts
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ router.beforeEach((to,form,next)=>{
-export default router;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default router;
diff --git a/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/uilts/Config.ts b/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/uilts/Config.ts
index 6662a4e..a34879d 100644
--- a/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/uilts/Config.ts
+++ b/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/uilts/Config.ts
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ export class Config {
     // public static url: string = "";
     // public static parentUrl: string = "";
     public static url: string = "http://localhost:8002";
-    public static parentUrl: string = "";
+    // public static parentUrl: string = "";
+    public static parentUrl: string = "http://localhost:8002/product/picture";
     // public static parentUrl: string = "http://rdp.nagr.com.cn:8082/product/picture";
@@ -36,4 +37,4 @@ export class DecisionSupportConfig {
     public static getUrl(productName: string, imgName: string): string {
         return format('{2}/decision-support/{0}/{1}.tif', productName, imgName, this.url);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/uilts/storage.ts b/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/uilts/storage.ts
index 76d53f7..a2a9f37 100644
--- a/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/uilts/storage.ts
+++ b/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/uilts/storage.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 export function setStaff(key: any, staff: any) {
     localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(staff));