From cb3cd5ee05938921d4c43bced329085c6594b471 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: xiaowuler <>
Date: Fri, 6 May 2022 16:02:40 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] modify some codes

 04.系统编码/Backend/pom.xml               |  6 ++
 .../controller/  |  3 +-
 .../service/        | 52 +++++++-----
 .../src/main/resources/application.yml        | 20 ++---
 04.系统编码/Backend/部署.md             |  6 ++
 .../Frontend/src/components/RamanLidar.vue    | 84 ++++++++++++-------
 .../Frontend/src/model/constant.ts            |  4 +-
 .../Frontend/src/model/heat-map-drawer.ts     |  4 +-
 04.系统编码/Frontend/src/uilts/Config.ts  |  8 +-
 9 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)

diff --git a/04.系统编码/Backend/pom.xml b/04.系统编码/Backend/pom.xml
index 1f413de..51e8f7f 100644
--- a/04.系统编码/Backend/pom.xml
+++ b/04.系统编码/Backend/pom.xml
@@ -101,6 +101,12 @@
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>org.jetbrains</groupId>
+            <artifactId>annotations</artifactId>
+            <version>RELEASE</version>
+            <scope>compile</scope>
+        </dependency>
diff --git a/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/java/com/userinformation/backend/controller/ b/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/java/com/userinformation/backend/controller/
index 944cfa2..f22053a 100644
--- a/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/java/com/userinformation/backend/controller/
+++ b/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/java/com/userinformation/backend/controller/
@@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ public class QualityCompareController {
-    public RequestResult findByTimeAndElement(String date, String var, String locate) throws IOException {
-        date = "5_1_10";
+    public RequestResult findByTimeAndElement(String date, String var, String locate) throws IOException, IllegalAccessException {
         return RequestResult.success(qualityCompareService.findByTimeAndElement(date, var, locate));
diff --git a/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/java/com/userinformation/backend/service/ b/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/java/com/userinformation/backend/service/
index 86e2026..1c1f6da 100644
--- a/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/java/com/userinformation/backend/service/
+++ b/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/java/com/userinformation/backend/service/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import;
 import java.nio.file.Files;
 import java.nio.file.Paths;
 import java.time.Duration;
+import java.time.LocalDate;
 import java.time.LocalDateTime;
 import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
 import java.util.*;
@@ -22,21 +23,36 @@ import;
 public class QualityCompareService {
+    private static final String EXTINCTION = "MEXT";
     private static final String SEPARATOR = ",";
     private static final DateTimeFormatter TIME_FORMATTER = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
-    private static final DateTimeFormatter DATE_FORMATTER = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy_M_d_HH");
+    private static final DateTimeFormatter DATE_FORMATTER = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd");
     private String qualityPath;
-    public List<Float[]> findByTimeAndElement(String date, String var, String locate) throws IOException {
+    public List<Float[]> findByTimeAndElement(String date, String var, String locate) throws IOException, IllegalAccessException {
 //        String filepath = qualityPath + var + "-" + date + ".CSV";
-        String filepath = "C:\\Users\\xiaowuler\\Desktop\\原始产品数据\\MEXT-2021-05-01.CSV";
-        LocalDateTime time = LocalDateTime.parse("2021_" + date, DATE_FORMATTER).withHour(0).plusDays(1);
-        return read(filepath, time);
+        boolean isExtinction = var.equals(EXTINCTION);
+        String filepath = String.format("%s/%s/%s/%s-%s.CSV", qualityPath, getFilepathByLocate(locate), isExtinction ? var : "Raman Products/" + var, var, date);
+        LocalDateTime time = LocalDate.parse(date, DATE_FORMATTER).atStartOfDay().plusDays(1);
+        return read(filepath, time,  isExtinction? 801 : 101);
-    private List<Float[]> read(String filepath, LocalDateTime time) throws IOException {
+    private String getFilepathByLocate(String locate) throws IllegalAccessException {
+        switch (locate){
+            case "pk":
+                return "CloudOutPut2_PUKOU/R1W4201224002";
+            case "liuhe":
+                return "CloudOutPut1_LIUHE/R1W4201224001";
+            case "jn":
+                return "CloudOutPut_JIANGNING/R1W4210113003";
+            default:
+                throw new IllegalAccessException("未知的站点:" + locate);
+        }
+    }
+    private List<Float[]> read(String filepath, LocalDateTime time, int readCount) throws IOException {
         List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(filepath));
         // 将文件数据进行反转,从最后一行开始读取
@@ -50,8 +66,8 @@ public class QualityCompareService {
-            time = fillNaN(time, targetTime, data);
-            data.add(getValues(rows));
+            time = fillNaN(time, targetTime, data, readCount);
+            data.add(getValues(rows, readCount));
             time = time.minusMinutes(5);
@@ -61,24 +77,22 @@ public class QualityCompareService {
         return -> index.getAndIncrement() % 12 != 0).collect(Collectors.toList());
-    private LocalDateTime fillNaN(LocalDateTime time, LocalDateTime targetTime, List<Float[]> data){
+    private LocalDateTime fillNaN(LocalDateTime time, LocalDateTime targetTime, List<Float[]> data, int readCount){
         if (Duration.between(targetTime, time).toMinutes() > 5) {
-            Float[] values = new Float[801];
+            Float[] values = new Float[readCount];
             Arrays.fill(values, Float.NaN);
             time = time.minusMinutes(10);
-            fillNaN(time, targetTime, data);
+            fillNaN(time, targetTime, data, readCount);
         return time;
-    private Float[] getValues(List<String> rows){
-        Float[] values = -> Float.parseFloat(row)).toArray(Float[]::new);
-        int length = values.length;
-        if (length != 801) {
-            values = Arrays.copyOf(values, 801);
-            Arrays.fill(values, length - 1, 800, Float.NaN);
-        }
-        return values;
+    private Float[] getValues(List<String> rows, int readCount){
+        Float[] values = - 6).map(row -> Float.parseFloat(row)).toArray(Float[]::new);
+        Float[] targetValues = new Float[readCount];
+        Arrays.fill(targetValues, Float.NaN);
+        System.arraycopy(values, 0, targetValues, 6, values.length);
+        return targetValues;
diff --git a/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/resources/application.yml b/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/resources/application.yml
index c330c12..6392bef 100644
--- a/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/resources/application.yml
+++ b/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/resources/application.yml
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ spring:
     date-format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
     time-zone: GMT+8
-    url: jdbc:mysql://
-    username: root
-    password: 3cqscbr@only1
-#    url: jdbc:mysql://
+#    url: jdbc:mysql://
 #    username: root
-#    password: Njsqxj_sthj@2021
+#    password: 3cqscbr@only1
+    url: jdbc:mysql://
+    username: root
+    password: Njsqxj_sthj@2021
 #    url: jdbc:mysql://
 #    username: njsthj
 #    password: Njsqxj_sthj@2021
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ custom:
     url: ${custom.parent-url}:${server.port}/product
     gifPath: ${custom.image.path}/gif
-    path: D:/Deployments/LamanRadar/product
-  parent-url: http://localhost
-  quality-path: C:/Users/xiaowuler/Desktop/原始产品数据
-#    path: /home/project/NJEnvironmentPlatform/html/product
-#  parent-url:
+#    path: D:/Deployments/LamanRadar/product
+#  parent-url: http://localhost
 #  quality-path: C:/Users/xiaowuler/Desktop/原始产品数据
+    path: /home/project/NJEnvironmentPlatform/html/product
+  parent-url:
+  quality-path: /share/win
 #    path: /home/develop/product
 #  parent-url:
diff --git a/04.系统编码/Backend/部署.md b/04.系统编码/Backend/部署.md
index 9ba5837..c08b5bd 100644
--- a/04.系统编码/Backend/部署.md
+++ b/04.系统编码/Backend/部署.md
@@ -14,3 +14,9 @@ ps -ef | grep UserInformation-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
 kill -9 id
+mount -t cifs -o username=administrator,password=xxzx_211@LMJGLD // /share/win
diff --git a/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/components/RamanLidar.vue b/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/components/RamanLidar.vue
index 27873c0..a2ac98e 100644
--- a/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/components/RamanLidar.vue
+++ b/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/components/RamanLidar.vue
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
         <div class="picture-container raman-picture-container" v-show="currentElement === 'extinction'">
           <div class="picture special-picture">
-            <div v-loading="loadingExtinctionStatus"
+            <div v-loading="loadingExtinctionBeforeStatus"
                  style="width: 100%;"
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
         <div class="picture-container raman-picture-container" v-show="currentElement === 'watervapor'">
           <div class="picture special-picture">
-            <div v-loading="loadingWaterVaporStatus"
+            <div v-loading="loadingWatervaporBeforeStatus"
                  style="width: 100%"
               <canvas id='watervapor_chart-before'></canvas>
@@ -281,6 +281,9 @@ export default {
   name: 'RamanLidar',
   setup() {
     let timer = null;
+    const quailtyTimes = ["00", "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12", "13", 
+      "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23"];
     let creates: {
       boundaryLayerHeight: HighChartCreate
       cloudsHeight: HighChartCreate
@@ -291,6 +294,7 @@ export default {
       extinctionBeforeDrawer: HeatMapDrawer,
       extinctionDrawer: HeatMapDrawer,
       watervaporDrawer: HeatMapDrawer,
+      watervaporBeforeDrawer: HeatMapDrawer,
       opticsExtinctionDrawer: HeatMapDrawer,
       singleWatervaporDrawer: HeatMapDrawer,
       cloudSolDrawer: HeatMapDrawer,
@@ -307,6 +311,7 @@ export default {
       extinctionDrawer: null,
       extinctionBeforeDrawer: null,
       watervaporDrawer: null,
+      watervaporBeforeDrawer: null,
       singleWatervaporDrawer: null,
       opticsExtinctionDrawer: null,
       cloudSolDrawer: null,
@@ -343,6 +348,8 @@ export default {
       loadingCloudSolStatus: false,
       loadingCloudRecognitionStatus: false,
       loadingExtinctionStatus: false,
+      loadingExtinctionBeforeStatus: false,
+      loadingWatervaporBeforeStatus: false,
       loadingWaterVaporStatus: false,
       loadingBackscatterStatus: false,
       loadingLidarRatioStatus: false,
@@ -589,40 +596,72 @@ export default {
         case 'extinction' :
           // initTimeLineDay()
-          reloadCloudRecognition('extinction', 801, 'extinction', drawExtinctionAfter);
+          reloadCloudRecognition('extinction', 801, 'extinction', drawExtinctionAfter, true);
         case 'watervapor' :
           // initTimeLineDay()
-          reloadCloudRecognition('watervapor', 101, 'watervapor', drawWatervaporBefore);
-          reloadCloudRecognition('watervapor', 101, 'watervapor', drawWatervaporAfter);
+          reloadWatervaporBefore();
+          reloadCloudRecognition('watervapor', 101, 'watervapor', drawWatervaporAfter, true);
           throw new Error("无效的type类型");
+    const reloadWatervaporBefore = () => {
+      options.loadingWatervaporBeforeStatus = true;
+      let params = {
+          date: moment(, 'd').format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
+          var: 'Vapor Mixing Ratio',
+          locate: options.currentRegion
+        }
+      post("/qualityCompare/findByTimeAndElement", params).then((response: any) => {
+        options.loadingWatervaporBeforeStatus = false;
+        if (response.error != 0){
+          console.log("未找到质控前数据文件");
+          return;
+        }
+        if (creates.watervaporBeforeDrawer != null) {
+          creates.watervaporBeforeDrawer.close();
+        }
+        let matrix = convertValueToBox(;
+        creates.watervaporBeforeDrawer = new HeatMapDrawer(800, 650, matrix, "watervapor_chart-before", 'g/kg','质控前');
+        creates.watervaporBeforeDrawer.setAxis(new CoordinateScale(quailtyTimes), new CoordinateScale([0, 500, 1000, 1500], true, true));
+        creates.watervaporBeforeDrawer.setColorChart(prepareWatervaporColors());
+        creates.watervaporBeforeDrawer.draw();
+      })
+    }
     const reloadExtinctionBefore = () => {
+      options.loadingExtinctionBeforeStatus = true;
       let params = {
-          date: moment('YYYY-MM-DD'),
+          date: moment(, 'd').format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
           var: 'MEXT',
           locate: options.currentRegion
       post("/qualityCompare/findByTimeAndElement", params).then((response: any) => {
+        options.loadingExtinctionBeforeStatus = false;
         if (response.error != 0){
+        if (creates.extinctionBeforeDrawer != null) {
+          creates.extinctionBeforeDrawer.close();
+        }
         let matrix = convertValueToBox(;
-        creates.extinctionBeforeDrawer = new HeatMapDrawer(800, 650, matrix, "extinction_chart-before", 'km/sr','质控后');
-        creates.extinctionBeforeDrawer.setAxis(new CoordinateScale(options.timeArray), new CoordinateScale([0, 2000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 10000, 12000], true, true));
+        creates.extinctionBeforeDrawer = new HeatMapDrawer(800, 650, matrix, "extinction_chart-before", 'km/sr','质控前');
+        creates.extinctionBeforeDrawer.setAxis(new CoordinateScale(quailtyTimes), new CoordinateScale([0, 2000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 10000, 12000], true, true));
     const convertValueToBox = (data) => {
-      let timeMoment = moment(, 'd');
+      let timeMoment = moment('h', 0).add(-1, 'd');
       let timeFormat = timeMoment.format("MM月DD日HH时");
       let boxes = new Array<Array<Box>>();
@@ -635,7 +674,7 @@ export default {
         let rows = new Array<Box>(r.length);
         for (let h = 0, len = r.length; h < len; h++) {
-          rows[h] = new Box(index - 1, h, 0, 0, r[h], h * 15, timeFormat, "米");
+          rows[h] = new Box(index - 1, h, 0, 0, parseFloat(r[h]), h * 15, timeFormat, "米");
@@ -919,21 +958,6 @@ export default {
-    const drawWatervaporBefore = (result: CustomeArray<any>) => {
-      if (result.length != 24) return;
-      options.loadingWaterVaporStatus = false;
-      if (creates.watervaporDrawer != null) {
-        creates.watervaporDrawer.close();
-      }
-      let matrix = converCloudRecognition(101, result, 'watervapor');
-      creates.watervaporDrawer = new HeatMapDrawer(800, 650, matrix, "watervapor_chart-before",'g/kg', '质控前');
-      creates.watervaporDrawer.setAxis(new CoordinateScale(options.timeArray), new CoordinateScale([0, 500, 1000, 1500], true, true));
-      creates.watervaporDrawer.setColorChart(prepareWatervaporColors());
-      creates.watervaporDrawer.draw();
-    }
     const drawWatervaporAfter = (result: CustomeArray<any>) => {
       if (result.length != 24) return;
@@ -943,8 +967,8 @@ export default {
       let matrix = converCloudRecognition(101, result, 'watervapor');
-      creates.watervaporDrawer = new HeatMapDrawer(800, 650, matrix, "watervapor_chart-after",'g/kg', '质控后');
-      creates.watervaporDrawer.setAxis(new CoordinateScale(options.timeArray), new CoordinateScale([0, 500, 1000, 1500], true, true));
+      creates.watervaporDrawer = new HeatMapDrawer(800, 650, matrix, "watervapor_chart-after",'g/kg', '质控前');
+      creates.watervaporDrawer.setAxis(new CoordinateScale(quailtyTimes), new CoordinateScale([0, 500, 1000, 1500], true, true));
@@ -966,7 +990,7 @@ export default {
       let matrix = converCloudRecognition(801, result, 'extinction');
       creates.extinctionDrawer = new HeatMapDrawer(800, 650, matrix, "extinction_chart-after", 'km/sr','质控后');
-      creates.extinctionDrawer.setAxis(new CoordinateScale(options.timeArray), new CoordinateScale([0, 2000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 10000, 12000], true, true));
+      creates.extinctionDrawer.setAxis(new CoordinateScale(quailtyTimes), new CoordinateScale([0, 2000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 10000, 12000], true, true));
@@ -980,10 +1004,12 @@ export default {
       return colorChart;
-    const reloadCloudRecognition = (type: string, capacity: number, element: string, callback: any) => {
+    const reloadCloudRecognition = (type: string, capacity: number, element: string, callback: any, isDay: boolean = false) => {
       let result = new CustomeArray(callback);
       let time = moment(;
+      if (isDay) time.set('h', 23).add(-1, 'd');
       options.timeArray = []
       for (let index = 0; index < 24; index++) {
         reloadSingleCloudRecognition(capacity, time.clone().add(-index, 'h').format('M_D_H'), element, result);
diff --git a/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/model/constant.ts b/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/model/constant.ts
index 3f9b68c..90184dd 100644
--- a/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/model/constant.ts
+++ b/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/model/constant.ts
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ export class Constant{
     public static readonly baseUrl: string = '';
 export class ConstantRamanLidar{
-    public static readonly baseUrl: string = '';
-    // public static readonly baseUrl: string = '';
+    // public static readonly baseUrl: string = '';
+    public static readonly baseUrl: string = '';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/model/heat-map-drawer.ts b/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/model/heat-map-drawer.ts
index a631e65..64f5062 100644
--- a/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/model/heat-map-drawer.ts
+++ b/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/model/heat-map-drawer.ts
@@ -381,11 +381,11 @@ export class HeatMapDrawer{
 export class CoordinateScale {
-    public scales: Array<number>;
+    public scales: Array<Object>;
     public showStartValue: boolean;
     public showEndValue: boolean;
-    constructor(scales: Array<number>, showStartValue: boolean = false, showEndValue: boolean = false){
+    constructor(scales: Array<Object>, showStartValue: boolean = false, showEndValue: boolean = false){
         this.scales = scales;
         this.showEndValue = showEndValue;
         this.showStartValue = showStartValue;
diff --git a/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/uilts/Config.ts b/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/uilts/Config.ts
index 6662a4e..115f322 100644
--- a/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/uilts/Config.ts
+++ b/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/uilts/Config.ts
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ import { Moment } from "moment";
 import { format } from "./String";
 export class Config {
-    // public static url: string = "";
-    // public static parentUrl: string = "";
-    public static url: string = "http://localhost:8002";
-    public static parentUrl: string = "";
+    public static url: string = "";
+    public static parentUrl: string = "";
+    // public static url: string = "http://localhost:8002";
+    // public static parentUrl: string = "";
     // public static parentUrl: string = "";

From cc90aa2875fa6bf2034d70b35c40dc51a2b055ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: xiaowuler <>
Date: Fri, 6 May 2022 18:20:53 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] modify some codes

 .../service/        | 100 ++++++++++++++++--
 .../src/main/resources/application.yml        |  22 ++--
 .../Frontend/src/components/RamanLidar.vue    |  75 +++++++------
 .../Frontend/src/model/constant.ts            |   4 +-
 04.系统编码/Frontend/src/uilts/Config.ts  |   8 +-
 5 files changed, 152 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)

diff --git a/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/java/com/userinformation/backend/service/ b/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/java/com/userinformation/backend/service/
index 1c1f6da..394ec59 100644
--- a/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/java/com/userinformation/backend/service/
+++ b/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/java/com/userinformation/backend/service/
@@ -25,18 +25,104 @@ public class QualityCompareService {
     private static final String EXTINCTION = "MEXT";
     private static final String SEPARATOR = ",";
-    private static final DateTimeFormatter TIME_FORMATTER = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
-    private static final DateTimeFormatter DATE_FORMATTER = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd");
+    private static final DateTimeFormatter NORMAL_TIME_FORMATTER = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
+    private static final DateTimeFormatter TIME_FORMATTER = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd");
+    private static final DateTimeFormatter DATE_FORMATTER = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH");
+    private static List<Float[]> ONE_HOUR_INVALID_101 = new ArrayList<>(12);
+    private static List<Float[]> ONE_HOUR_INVALID_801 = new ArrayList<>(12);
+    static {
+        for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
+            Float[] _101 = new Float[101];
+            Float[] _801 = new Float[801];
+            Arrays.fill(_101, Float.NaN);
+            Arrays.fill(_801, Float.NaN);
+            ONE_HOUR_INVALID_101.add(_101);
+            ONE_HOUR_INVALID_801.add(_801);
+        }
+    }
     private String qualityPath;
     public List<Float[]> findByTimeAndElement(String date, String var, String locate) throws IOException, IllegalAccessException {
-//        String filepath = qualityPath + var + "-" + date + ".CSV";
-        boolean isExtinction = var.equals(EXTINCTION);
-        String filepath = String.format("%s/%s/%s/%s-%s.CSV", qualityPath, getFilepathByLocate(locate), isExtinction ? var : "Raman Products/" + var, var, date);
-        LocalDateTime time = LocalDate.parse(date, DATE_FORMATTER).atStartOfDay().plusDays(1);
-        return read(filepath, time,  isExtinction? 801 : 101);
+////        String filepath = qualityPath + var + "-" + date + ".CSV";
+//        boolean isExtinction = var.equals(EXTINCTION);
+//        String filepath = String.format("%s/%s/%s/%s-%s.CSV", qualityPath, getFilepathByLocate(locate), isExtinction ? var : "Raman Products/" + var, var, time.format(TIME_FORMATTER));
+////        return read(filepath, time,  isExtinction? 801 : 101);
+////        List<Float[]> data = read(var, locate, time, isExtinction? 801 : 101);
+        int timeLength = 24;
+        LocalDateTime time = LocalDateTime.parse(date, DATE_FORMATTER).withMinute(59).withSecond(59);
+        LocalDateTime tempTime = time;
+        List<Float[]> data = new ArrayList<>(288);
+        int readCount = 101;
+        String fileSuffix = "Raman Products/" + var;
+        List<Float[]> invalid = ONE_HOUR_INVALID_101;
+        if (var.equals(EXTINCTION)){
+            tempTime = time;
+            timeLength = 12;
+            readCount = 801;
+            fileSuffix = var;
+            invalid = ONE_HOUR_INVALID_801;
+        }
+        LocalDateTime startTime = time.minusHours(timeLength);
+        data = read(var, locate, tempTime, startTime, data, readCount, fileSuffix, invalid, 0, timeLength);
+        Collections.reverse(data);
+        AtomicInteger index = new AtomicInteger(0);
+        // 匹配老师处理的数据
+        return -> index.getAndIncrement() % 12 != 0).collect(Collectors.toList());
+    }
+    private List<Float[]> read(String var, String locate, LocalDateTime tempTime, LocalDateTime startTime, List<Float[]> data, int readCount, String fileSuffix, List<Float[]> invalid, int currentLength, int timeLength) throws IOException, IllegalAccessException {
+        String filepath = String.format("%s/%s/%s/%s-%s.CSV", qualityPath, getFilepathByLocate(locate), fileSuffix, var, tempTime.format(TIME_FORMATTER));
+        if (Files.notExists(Paths.get(filepath))) {
+            return addInvalidOrBlackFile(var, locate, tempTime, startTime, data, readCount, fileSuffix, invalid, data.size() / 12, timeLength);
+        }
+        List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(filepath));
+        // 将文件数据进行反转,从最后一行开始读取
+        Collections.reverse(lines);
+        int addCount = 0;
+        for(String line : lines){
+            List<String> rows = Arrays.asList(line.split(SEPARATOR));
+            // 相关数据时间转换,以比较,并按照10分钟间隔过滤
+            LocalDateTime targetTime = LocalDateTime.parse(rows.get(0), NORMAL_TIME_FORMATTER);
+            if (targetTime.isAfter(tempTime)) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            addCount++;
+            tempTime = fillNaN(tempTime, targetTime, data, readCount);
+            data.add(getValues(rows, readCount));
+            tempTime = tempTime.minusMinutes(5);
+            if (tempTime.isBefore(startTime)) {
+                return data;
+            }
+        }
+        // 文件是空的
+        if (addCount == 0) {
+            return addInvalidOrBlackFile(var, locate, tempTime, startTime, data, readCount, fileSuffix, invalid, data.size() / 12, timeLength);
+        }
+        return read(var, locate, tempTime, startTime, data, readCount, fileSuffix, invalid, data.size() / 12, timeLength);
+    }
+    private List<Float[]> addInvalidOrBlackFile(String var, String locate, LocalDateTime tempTime, LocalDateTime startTime, List<Float[]> data, int readCount, String fileSuffix, List<Float[]> invalid, int currentLength, int timeLength) throws IOException, IllegalAccessException {
+        int hours = tempTime.getHour() + 1 - currentLength;
+        boolean isOut = hours > timeLength || hours <= 0;
+        for(int i = 0, len = isOut ? timeLength - currentLength : hours; i < len; i++) {
+            data.addAll(invalid);
+        }
+        if (isOut) {
+            return data;
+        }
+        tempTime = tempTime.minusDays(1).withHour(23);
+        return read(var, locate, tempTime, startTime, data, readCount, fileSuffix, invalid, data.size() / 12, timeLength);
     private String getFilepathByLocate(String locate) throws IllegalAccessException {
diff --git a/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/resources/application.yml b/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/resources/application.yml
index 6392bef..e5ce902 100644
--- a/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/resources/application.yml
+++ b/04.系统编码/Backend/src/main/resources/application.yml
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ spring:
     date-format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
     time-zone: GMT+8
-#    url: jdbc:mysql://
-#    username: root
-#    password: 3cqscbr@only1
-    url: jdbc:mysql://
+    url: jdbc:mysql://
     username: root
-    password: Njsqxj_sthj@2021
+    password: 3cqscbr@only1
+#    url: jdbc:mysql://
+#    username: root
+#    password: Njsqxj_sthj@2021
 #    url: jdbc:mysql://
 #    username: njsthj
 #    password: Njsqxj_sthj@2021
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ custom:
     url: ${custom.parent-url}:${server.port}/product
     gifPath: ${custom.image.path}/gif
-#    path: D:/Deployments/LamanRadar/product
-#  parent-url: http://localhost
-#  quality-path: C:/Users/xiaowuler/Desktop/原始产品数据
-    path: /home/project/NJEnvironmentPlatform/html/product
-  parent-url:
-  quality-path: /share/win
+    path: D:/Deployments/LamanRadar/product
+  parent-url: http://localhost
+  quality-path: E:/Memorandum/VPN配置/南京/多曼雷达项目/AllData
+#    path: /home/project/NJEnvironmentPlatform/html/product
+#  parent-url:
+#  quality-path: /share/win
 #    path: /home/develop/product
 #  parent-url:
diff --git a/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/components/RamanLidar.vue b/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/components/RamanLidar.vue
index f8ff90e..631e7a0 100644
--- a/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/components/RamanLidar.vue
+++ b/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/components/RamanLidar.vue
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
     <div class="container panel">
-      <div class="toolbar day-toolbar" v-if="currentElement === 'singleWatervapor' || currentElement === 'aod-icot-wcot'
+      <div class="toolbar day-toolbar" v-if="currentElement === 'extinction' || currentElement === 'singleWatervapor' || currentElement === 'aod-icot-wcot'
         || currentElement === 'extinctionOptics' || currentElement === 'backscatter'
         || currentElement === 'pm2_5' || currentElement === 'pblh'
         || currentElement === 'cloudSol' || currentElement === 'cloudbaseheight'
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
-      <div class="toolbar day-toolbar" v-if="currentElement === 'extinction' || currentElement=== 'lidarratio' || currentElement === 'watervapor'">
+      <div class="toolbar day-toolbar" v-if="currentElement=== 'lidarratio' || currentElement === 'watervapor'">
         <div class="times">
           <div class="time-item" v-for="(time, index) in times" :key="index"
                :class="{'active': currentTime ===, 'first-hour': === '01'}">
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ export default {
       // currentElement: 'PBLH',
       currentType: '边界层高度',
       // date: moment('2022-04-01 12:00:00').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'),
-      date: moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'),
+      date: moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00'),
       times: [],
       currentTime: null,
       downloadImgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png',
@@ -374,13 +374,11 @@ export default {
           label: '水汽'
       currentElement: 'layertype',
-      timeLineFormat: 'hour'
+      timeLineFormat: 'day'
     onMounted(() => {
-      // initTimeLine();
-      initTimeLineDay();
-      // setTitle(moment(, 'YYYY-MM-DD'));
+      initTimeLine(true);
       setTimeout(() => {
@@ -453,19 +451,23 @@ export default {
     const onTabClick = (name) => {
-      changeTimeLineFormat(name);
+      setAndChangeCurrentTime(name);
       options.currentTab = name;
-    const changeTimeLineFormat = (name) => {
-      if (name === 'MWR'){
-        initTimeLineDay();
-        return;
+    const setAndChangeCurrentTime = (name) => {
+      options.index = 23;
+      if ("MWR" === name){
+ = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00');
+        options.timeLineFormat = "";
+      }else{
+ = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:00:00');
+        options.timeLineFormat = "";
-      initTimeLine();
+      options.currentTime =;
     const reloadChangeData = () => {
@@ -547,25 +549,25 @@ export default {
     const elementChange = (code: string) => {
       switch (code) {
         case 'singleWatervapor' :
-          // initTimeLine()
+          initTimeLine()
           reloadCloudRecognition('singleWatervapor', 101, 'watervapor', drawSingleWatervapor);
         case 'aod-icot-wcot' :
-          // initTimeLine()
+          initTimeLine()
           reloadChartsRecognition('aod', drawAerosolCharts);
           reloadChartsRecognition('icot', drawIceCloudsCharts);
           reloadChartsRecognition('wcot', drawWaterCloud);
         case 'extinctionOptics' :
-          // initTimeLine()
+          initTimeLine()
           reloadCloudRecognition('extinctionOptics', 801, 'extinction', drawOpticsExtinction);
         case 'backscatter' :
-          // initTimeLine()
+          initTimeLine()
           reloadCloudRecognition('backscatter', 801, 'backscatter', drawBackscatter);
         case 'pm2_5' :
-          // initTimeLine()
+          initTimeLine()
           reloadCloudRecognition('pm2_5', 201, 'pm2_5', drawPm2Point5);
           reloadCloudRecognition('pm2_5', 201, 'pm10', drawPm10);
@@ -582,11 +584,11 @@ export default {
           reloadCloudRecognition('cloudSol', 801, 'layertype', drawCloudSol);
         case 'cloudbaseheight' :
-          // initTimeLine()
+          initTimeLine()
           reloadChartsRecognition('cloudbaseheight', drawCloudsHeightCharts);
         case 'cloudtopheight' :
-          // initTimeLine()
+          initTimeLine()
           reloadChartsRecognition('cloudtopheight', drawCloudTopHeightCharts);
         // case 'layertype' :
@@ -594,11 +596,12 @@ export default {
         //   break;
         case 'extinction' :
           // initTimeLineDay()
+          initTimeLine(true);
-          reloadCloudRecognition('extinction', 801, 'extinction', drawExtinctionAfter, true);
+          reloadCloudRecognition('extinction', 801, 'extinction', drawExtinctionAfter, false, 12);
         case 'watervapor' :
-          // initTimeLineDay()
+          initTimeLineDay()
           reloadCloudRecognition('watervapor', 101, 'watervapor', drawWatervaporAfter, true);
@@ -610,7 +613,7 @@ export default {
     const reloadWatervaporBefore = () => {
       options.loadingWatervaporBeforeStatus = true;
       let params = {
-          date: moment(, 'd').format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
+          date: moment('YYYY-MM-DD 00'),
           var: 'Vapor Mixing Ratio',
           locate: options.currentRegion
@@ -636,7 +639,7 @@ export default {
     const reloadExtinctionBefore = () => {
       options.loadingExtinctionBeforeStatus = true;
       let params = {
-          date: moment(, 'd').format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
+          date: moment('YYYY-MM-DD HH'),
           var: 'MEXT',
           locate: options.currentRegion
@@ -653,14 +656,19 @@ export default {
         let matrix = convertValueToBox(;
         creates.extinctionBeforeDrawer = new HeatMapDrawer(800, 650, matrix, "extinction_chart-before", 'km/sr','质控前');
-        creates.extinctionBeforeDrawer.setAxis(new CoordinateScale(quailtyTimes), new CoordinateScale([0, 2000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 10000, 12000], true, true));
+        creates.extinctionBeforeDrawer.setAxis(new CoordinateScale(options.timeArray), new CoordinateScale([0, 2000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 10000, 12000], true, true));
     const convertValueToBox = (data) => {
-      let timeMoment = moment('h', 0).add(-1, 'd');
+      let timeMoment = moment('h', 1).add(-1, 'd');
+      console.log(options.currentElement)
+      if (options.currentElement === 'extinction'){
+        timeMoment.add(12, 'h');
+      }
       let timeFormat = timeMoment.format("MM月DD日HH时");
       let boxes = new Array<Array<Box>>();
@@ -980,7 +988,7 @@ export default {
     const drawExtinctionAfter = (result: CustomeArray<any>) => {
-      if (result.length != 24) return;
+      if (result.length != 12) return;
       options.loadingExtinctionStatus = false;
       if (creates.extinctionDrawer != null) {
@@ -989,7 +997,7 @@ export default {
       let matrix = converCloudRecognition(801, result, 'extinction');
       creates.extinctionDrawer = new HeatMapDrawer(800, 650, matrix, "extinction_chart-after", 'km/sr','质控后');
-      creates.extinctionDrawer.setAxis(new CoordinateScale(quailtyTimes), new CoordinateScale([0, 2000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 10000, 12000], true, true));
+      creates.extinctionDrawer.setAxis(new CoordinateScale(options.timeArray), new CoordinateScale([0, 2000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 10000, 12000], true, true));
@@ -1003,14 +1011,14 @@ export default {
       return colorChart;
-    const reloadCloudRecognition = (type: string, capacity: number, element: string, callback: any, isDay: boolean = false) => {
+    const reloadCloudRecognition = (type: string, capacity: number, element: string, callback: any, isDay: boolean = false, length = 24) => {
       let result = new CustomeArray(callback);
       let time = moment(;
       if (isDay) time.set('h', 23).add(-1, 'd');
       options.timeArray = []
-      for (let index = 0; index < 24; index++) {
+      for (let index = 0; index < length; index++) {
         reloadSingleCloudRecognition(capacity, time.clone().add(-index, 'h').format('M_D_H'), element, result);
         options.timeArray.push(time.clone().add(-index, 'h').format('HH'))
@@ -1291,12 +1299,13 @@ export default {
     // }
-    const initTimeLine = () => {
+    const initTimeLine = (isQuality: boolean = false) => {
       if (options.timeLineFormat == "hour") return;
       options.timeLineFormat = "hour";
       options.times = [];
       options.currentTime = moment('YYYY-MM-DD HH');
-      let now = moment(, 'h')
+      let now = moment(, 'h');
+      if (isQuality) now = now.set('h', 1);
       for (let i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
           hour: now.add(-1, 'hour').format('HH'),
diff --git a/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/model/constant.ts b/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/model/constant.ts
index 90184dd..3f9b68c 100644
--- a/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/model/constant.ts
+++ b/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/model/constant.ts
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ export class Constant{
     public static readonly baseUrl: string = '';
 export class ConstantRamanLidar{
-    // public static readonly baseUrl: string = '';
-    public static readonly baseUrl: string = '';
+    public static readonly baseUrl: string = '';
+    // public static readonly baseUrl: string = '';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/uilts/Config.ts b/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/uilts/Config.ts
index 115f322..6662a4e 100644
--- a/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/uilts/Config.ts
+++ b/04.系统编码/Frontend/src/uilts/Config.ts
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ import { Moment } from "moment";
 import { format } from "./String";
 export class Config {
-    public static url: string = "";
-    public static parentUrl: string = "";
-    // public static url: string = "http://localhost:8002";
-    // public static parentUrl: string = "";
+    // public static url: string = "";
+    // public static parentUrl: string = "";
+    public static url: string = "http://localhost:8002";
+    public static parentUrl: string = "";
     // public static parentUrl: string = "";