1 changed files with 487 additions and 453 deletions
@ -1,477 +1,511 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="tabs"></div> |
<div class="main"> |
<div class="menu panel"> |
<div class="menu-item"> |
<h2 class="tip">指标选择</h2> |
<el-row :gutter="12"> |
<el-col :span="24"><span @click="onIndicatorClick('plan-advice')" :class="{'active': currentIndicator === 'plan-advice'}">通风廊道规划建议</span></el-col> |
<el-col :span="24"><span @click="onIndicatorClick('pollution-indicator')" :class="{'active': currentIndicator === 'pollution-indicator'}">高楼污染指数</span></el-col> |
</el-row> |
</div> |
<div class="menu-item" v-if="currentIndicator === 'plan-advice'"> |
<h2 class="tip">产品选择</h2> |
<el-row :gutter="12"> |
<el-col :span="24"><span @click="onProductClick('control-experiment')" :class="{'active': currentProduct === 'control-experiment'}">控制实验</span></el-col> |
<el-col :span="24"><span @click="onProductClick('product-influence')" :class="{'active': currentProduct === 'product-influence'}">通风廊道的影响</span></el-col> |
<el-col :span="24"><span @click="onProductClick('product-experiment')" :class="{'active': currentProduct === 'product-experiment'}">通风廊道试验</span></el-col> |
</el-row> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="container panel decision-container"> |
<span class="save-btn" @click="onSaveClick" v-if="currentIndicator != 'pollution-indicator'"><img src="/images/save.png" /></span> |
<div class="download-pictures" id="pictures"> |
<a v-for="(url, index) in urls" :key="index" download></a> |
</div> |
<div class="picture-view advice-picture-view" v-if="currentIndicator === 'plan-advice'"> |
<el-row :gutter="0"> |
<el-col :span="8" v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index"> |
<h2 class="title">{{item.title}}</h2> |
<el-image |
:src="item.imgUrl" |
:preview-src-list="item.preview" |
:initial-index="0" |
fit="contain" |
> |
<template #error> |
<div class="image-slot"> |
<img src="/images/null-picture.png" /> |
</div> |
<p class="image-tip">暂无图片</p> |
</template> |
<template #placeholder> |
<div class="image-placeholder">正在加载...</div> |
</template> |
</el-image> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</div> |
<div class="toolbar day-toolbar" v-show="currentIndicator === 'pollution-indicator'"> |
<div class="times"> |
<div class="time-item" v-for="(time, index) in times" :key="index" |
:class="{'active': currentTime === time.date, 'first-hour': time.day === '01'}"> |
<span class="hour" style="padding-left: 10px">{{ time.month }}</span> |
<span class="time" @click="onChangeDayClick(time, index)">{{ time.day }}</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
<el-date-picker v-model="date" type="date" placeholder="请选择" :clearable="false" :editable="false" |
class="date-picker" @change="onChange"> |
</el-date-picker> |
<div class="control-btn"> |
<span @click="onPrevDayTimeClick"><img src="/images/prev.png"/></span> |
<span @click="onNextDayTimeClick"><img src="/images/next.png"/></span> |
</div> |
<div class="tabs"></div> |
<div class="main"> |
<div class="menu panel"> |
<div class="menu-item"> |
<h2 class="tip">指标选择</h2> |
<el-row :gutter="12"> |
<el-col :span="24"><span @click="onIndicatorClick('plan-advice')" |
:class="{'active': currentIndicator === 'plan-advice'}">通风廊道规划建议</span></el-col> |
<el-col :span="24"><span @click="onIndicatorClick('pollution-indicator')" |
:class="{'active': currentIndicator === 'pollution-indicator'}">高楼污染指数</span> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</div> |
<div class="menu-item" v-if="currentIndicator === 'plan-advice'"> |
<h2 class="tip">产品选择</h2> |
<el-row :gutter="12"> |
<el-col :span="24"><span @click="onProductClick('control-experiment')" |
:class="{'active': currentProduct === 'control-experiment'}">控制实验</span></el-col> |
<el-col :span="24"><span @click="onProductClick('product-influence')" |
:class="{'active': currentProduct === 'product-influence'}">通风廊道的影响</span></el-col> |
<el-col :span="24"><span @click="onProductClick('product-experiment')" |
:class="{'active': currentProduct === 'product-experiment'}">通风廊道试验</span></el-col> |
</el-row> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="container panel decision-container"> |
<span class="save-btn" @click="onSaveClick" v-if="currentIndicator != 'pollution-indicator'"><img |
src="/images/save.png"/></span> |
<div class="download-pictures" id="pictures"> |
<a v-for="(url, index) in urls" :key="index" download></a> |
</div> |
<div class="picture-view advice-picture-view" v-if="currentIndicator === 'plan-advice'"> |
<el-row :gutter="0"> |
<el-col :span="8" v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index"> |
<h2 class="title">{{ item.title }}</h2> |
<el-image |
:src="item.imgUrl" |
:preview-src-list="item.preview" |
:initial-index="0" |
fit="contain" |
> |
<template #error> |
<div class="image-slot"> |
<img src="/images/null-picture.png"/> |
</div> |
<p class="image-tip">暂无图片</p> |
</template> |
<template #placeholder> |
<div class="image-placeholder">正在加载...</div> |
</template> |
</el-image> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</div> |
<div class="toolbar day-toolbar" v-show="currentIndicator === 'pollution-indicator'"> |
<div class="times"> |
<div class="time-item" v-for="(time, index) in times" :key="index" |
:class="{'active': currentTime === time.date, 'first-hour': time.day === '01'}"> |
<span class="hour" style="padding-left: 10px">{{ time.month }}</span> |
<span class="time" @click="onChangeDayClick(time, index)">{{ time.day }}</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="picture-container raman-picture-container" v-show="currentIndicator === 'pollution-indicator'"> |
<div class="picture"> |
<div id="pollutionIndicator" |
style="margin-top: 66px" |
v-loading="loadingPollutionIndicatorStatus" |
custom-class="loading" |
element-loading-text="加载中"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!-- <div class="picture-block">--> |
<!-- <div class="picture">--> |
<!-- <el-image--> |
<!-- :src="indicatorImg"--> |
<!-- :preview-src-list="indicatorPreview"--> |
<!-- :initial-index="1"--> |
<!-- fit="contain"--> |
<!-- >--> |
<!-- <template #error>--> |
<!-- <div class="image-slot">--> |
<!-- <img src="/images/null-picture.png" />--> |
<!-- </div>--> |
<!-- <p class="image-tip">暂无图片</p>--> |
<!-- </template>--> |
<!-- <template #placeholder>--> |
<!-- <div class="image-placeholder">正在加载...</div>--> |
<!-- </template>--> |
<!-- </el-image>--> |
<!-- </div>--> |
<!-- <div class="instruction">--> |
<!-- <h2>高楼污染指数说明:</h2>--> |
<!-- <p>使用激光雷达数据反演PM2.5和PM10</p>--> |
<!-- <p>浓度廓线,基于PM2.5和PM10的平均</p>--> |
<!-- <p>值构建高楼污染指数,</p>--> |
<!-- <p> 高楼(60米),</p>--> |
<!-- <p> 超高楼(200米),</p>--> |
<!-- <p> 极高楼层(500米)</p>--> |
<!-- </div>--> |
<!-- </div>--> |
</div> |
<el-date-picker v-model="date" type="date" placeholder="请选择" :clearable="false" :editable="false" |
class="date-picker" @change="onChange"> |
</el-date-picker> |
<div class="control-btn"> |
<span @click="onPrevDayTimeClick"><img src="/images/prev.png"/></span> |
<span @click="onNextDayTimeClick"><img src="/images/next.png"/></span> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="picture-container raman-picture-container" v-show="currentIndicator === 'pollution-indicator'"> |
<div class="picture"> |
<div id="pollutionIndicator" |
style="margin-top: 66px" |
v-loading="loadingPollutionIndicatorStatus" |
custom-class="loading" |
element-loading-text="加载中"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!-- <div class="picture-block">--> |
<!-- <div class="picture">--> |
<!-- <el-image--> |
<!-- :src="indicatorImg"--> |
<!-- :preview-src-list="indicatorPreview"--> |
<!-- :initial-index="1"--> |
<!-- fit="contain"--> |
<!-- >--> |
<!-- <template #error>--> |
<!-- <div class="image-slot">--> |
<!-- <img src="/images/null-picture.png" />--> |
<!-- </div>--> |
<!-- <p class="image-tip">暂无图片</p>--> |
<!-- </template>--> |
<!-- <template #placeholder>--> |
<!-- <div class="image-placeholder">正在加载...</div>--> |
<!-- </template>--> |
<!-- </el-image>--> |
<!-- </div>--> |
<!-- <div class="instruction">--> |
<!-- <h2>高楼污染指数说明:</h2>--> |
<!-- <p>使用激光雷达数据反演PM2.5和PM10</p>--> |
<!-- <p>浓度廓线,基于PM2.5和PM10的平均</p>--> |
<!-- <p>值构建高楼污染指数,</p>--> |
<!-- <p> 高楼(60米),</p>--> |
<!-- <p> 超高楼(200米),</p>--> |
<!-- <p> 极高楼层(500米)</p>--> |
<!-- </div>--> |
<!-- </div>--> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script lang="ts"> |
import { onMounted, reactive, toRefs } from 'vue'; |
import * as Tiff from 'browser-tiff.js'; |
import { DecisionSupportConfig } from '../uilts/Config'; |
import {get, post} from '../uilts/axios'; |
import {HighChartCreate} from "../model/high-chart-create"; |
import moment from "moment"; |
import {ConstantRamanLidar} from "../model/constant"; |
import {CustomeArray} from "../model/custome-array"; |
export default { |
name: 'DecisionSupport', |
setup() { |
let options = reactive({ |
times: [], |
currentTime: null, |
date: moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00'), |
index: 0, |
currentIndicator: 'plan-advice', |
currentProduct: 'control-experiment', |
items: [{ |
title: '比湿', |
imgName: 'TFLD_Q2', |
imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png', |
preview: [] |
}, { |
title: '风速和风向', |
imgName: 'TFLD_V10', |
imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png', |
preview: [] |
}, { |
title: '降水', |
imgName: 'TFLD_RAIN', |
imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png', |
preview: [] |
}, { |
title: '平均气温', |
imgName: 'TFLD_T2', |
imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png', |
preview: [] |
}, { |
title: '最低温度', |
imgName: 'TFLD_TN', |
imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png', |
preview: [] |
}, { |
title: '最高温度', |
imgName: 'TFLD_TX', |
imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png', |
preview: [] |
}], |
indicatorImg: '/product/picture/images/decision-support/pollution-indicator/pollution-indicator.png', |
indicatorPreview: ['/product/picture/images/decision-support/pollution-indicator/pollution-indicator.png'], |
urls: [], |
loadingPollutionIndicatorStatus: false |
}) |
let creates: { |
pollutionIndicator: HighChartCreate |
} = { |
pollutionIndicator: null |
} |
onMounted(() => { |
initTimeLineDay() |
setImage(options.currentIndicator + '/' + options.currentProduct); |
}) |
const onIndicatorClick = (indicator) => { |
options.currentIndicator = indicator; |
if(options.currentIndicator === 'plan-advice') { |
setImage(options.currentIndicator + '/' + options.currentProduct); |
} |
reloadChartsRecognition('hbpi', drawPollutionIndicator) |
pollutionIndicatorInit() |
} |
const onProductClick = (product) => { |
options.currentProduct = product; |
setImage('plan-advice' + '/' + options.currentProduct); |
} |
const setImage = (type) => { |
for(let index = 0; index < 6; index ++){ |
initImage(type, options.items[index].imgName, index); |
} |
options.urls = options.items; |
} |
const initImage = (type, imgName, index) => { |
post("/image/convert", {url: DecisionSupportConfig.getUrl(type, imgName)}).then((response: any) => { |
if (response.error != 0){ |
return; |
} |
options.items[index].imgUrl = response.data; |
options.items[index].preview = [response.data]; |
}) |
} |
const onSaveClick = () => { |
let pictures = document.getElementById('pictures'); |
for (let i = 0; i < options.urls.length; i++) { |
let img = new Image(); |
img.src = options.urls[i].imgUrl; |
let canvas = document.createElement("canvas") as HTMLCanvasElement; |
canvas.width = img.width; |
canvas.height = img.height; |
let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); |
let base64 = ''; |
img.setAttribute("crossOrigin",'Anonymous'); |
img.onload = function() { |
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); |
base64 = canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); |
pictures.children[i].setAttribute('href', base64); |
let button: HTMLElement = pictures.children[i] as HTMLElement; |
setTimeout(() => { |
button.click(); |
}, 500); |
}; |
} |
} |
const pollutionIndicatorInit = () => { |
creates.pollutionIndicator = new HighChartCreate('pollutionIndicator'); |
creates.pollutionIndicator.setChart(false, 'line', 1500, 600); |
creates.pollutionIndicator.setXAxisTypeDate(); |
creates.pollutionIndicator.setSpecialYAxis('高楼污染指数'); |
creates.pollutionIndicator.setLegend(true); |
creates.pollutionIndicator.setTooltip('{point.y}'); |
creates.pollutionIndicator.setSeries('高楼', 0, null, null, '#B21523') |
creates.pollutionIndicator.setSeries('超高楼', 0, null, null, '#000B6F') |
creates.pollutionIndicator.setSeries('极高楼层', 0, null, null, '#853083') |
creates.pollutionIndicator.init(); |
} |
const drawPollutionIndicator = (result: CustomeArray<any>) => { |
if (result[0].time == null) return; |
const data = prepareChartData(result); |
creates.pollutionIndicator.updateSeries(0, data[0]); |
creates.pollutionIndicator.updateSeries(1, data[1]); |
creates.pollutionIndicator.updateSeries(2, data[2]); |
options.loadingPollutionIndicatorStatus = false |
} |
const prepareChartData = (result) => { |
if (result[0].data == null) { |
let temp = [] |
for (let i = 0; i < 72; i++) { |
temp.push(NaN); |
} |
result[0].data = [temp]; |
} |
let prepareData = [] |
let startTimeMoment = moment(result[0].time, 'M_D_H').add(8, 'h') |
result[0].data.forEach(item => { |
let data = [] |
for (let i = 0, len = item.length; i < len; i++) { |
data.push([startTimeMoment.clone().add(1 * i, 'h').valueOf(), item[i]]) |
} |
prepareData.push(data) |
}) |
return prepareData; |
} |
const reloadChartsRecognition = (element: string, callback: any) => { |
options.loadingPollutionIndicatorStatus = true |
let result = new CustomeArray(callback); |
let time = moment(options.date); |
reloadPollutionIndicator(time.format('M_D_H'), element, result); |
} |
const reloadPollutionIndicator = (time: string, elementCode, result: CustomeArray<any>) => { |
let params = prepareApiParams(time, elementCode) |
get('/njqxj/lmlidar', params, ConstantRamanLidar.baseUrl).then((response: any) => { |
if (response.state != 0) { |
setChartsRecognitionResult(time, response.message, null, result); |
return; |
} |
setChartsRecognitionResult(time, response.message, response.data, result); |
}).catch(error => { |
setChartsRecognitionResult(time, error.message, null, result); |
}) |
} |
const prepareApiParams = (time, elementCode) => { |
return { |
var: elementCode, |
locate: 'nj', |
date: moment(time,'MM_DD_hh').format('M_D'), |
} |
} |
const setChartsRecognitionResult = (time: string, message: string, data: any, result: CustomeArray<any>) => { |
result.push({ |
time: time, |
message: message, |
data: data == null ? null : JSON.parse(data) |
}) |
} |
import {onMounted, reactive, toRefs} from 'vue'; |
import * as Tiff from 'browser-tiff.js'; |
import {DecisionSupportConfig} from '../uilts/Config'; |
import {get, post} from '../uilts/axios'; |
import {HighChartCreate} from "../model/high-chart-create"; |
import moment from "moment"; |
import {ConstantRamanLidar} from "../model/constant"; |
import {CustomeArray} from "../model/custome-array"; |
export default { |
name: 'DecisionSupport', |
setup() { |
let options = reactive({ |
times: [], |
currentTime: null, |
date: moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00'), |
index: 0, |
currentIndicator: 'plan-advice', |
currentProduct: 'control-experiment', |
items: [{ |
title: '比湿', |
imgName: 'TFLD_Q2', |
imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png', |
preview: [] |
}, { |
title: '风速和风向', |
imgName: 'TFLD_V10', |
imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png', |
preview: [] |
}, { |
title: '降水', |
imgName: 'TFLD_RAIN', |
imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png', |
preview: [] |
}, { |
title: '平均气温', |
imgName: 'TFLD_T2', |
imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png', |
preview: [] |
}, { |
title: '最低温度', |
imgName: 'TFLD_TN', |
imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png', |
preview: [] |
}, { |
title: '最高温度', |
imgName: 'TFLD_TX', |
imgUrl: '/images/default-picture.png', |
preview: [] |
}], |
indicatorImg: '/product/picture/images/decision-support/pollution-indicator/pollution-indicator.png', |
indicatorPreview: ['/product/picture/images/decision-support/pollution-indicator/pollution-indicator.png'], |
urls: [], |
loadingPollutionIndicatorStatus: false |
}) |
let creates: { |
pollutionIndicator: HighChartCreate |
} = { |
pollutionIndicator: null |
} |
onMounted(() => { |
initTimeLineDay() |
setImage(options.currentIndicator + '/' + options.currentProduct); |
}) |
const onIndicatorClick = (indicator) => { |
options.currentIndicator = indicator; |
if (options.currentIndicator === 'plan-advice') { |
setImage(options.currentIndicator + '/' + options.currentProduct); |
} |
reloadChartsRecognition('hbpi', drawPollutionIndicator) |
pollutionIndicatorInit() |
} |
const initTimeLineDay = () => { |
options.times = []; |
options.currentTime = moment(options.date).format('YYYY-MM-DD'); |
let now = moment(options.date).add(1, 'd'); |
let day = new Date(now.year(), now.month() + 1, 0); |
for (let i = 0; i < 24; i++) { |
options.times.push({ |
day: now.add(-1, 'd').format('DD'), |
month: now.format('MM'), |
date: now.format('YYYY-MM-DD'), |
}) |
} |
options.times.reverse(); |
options.index = options.times.length - 1; |
} |
const onProductClick = (product) => { |
options.currentProduct = product; |
setImage('plan-advice' + '/' + options.currentProduct); |
} |
const onChangeDayClick = (time, index) => { |
options.currentTime = time.date |
options.date = moment(time.date).format('YYYY-MM-DD'); |
reloadChartsRecognition('hbpi', drawPollutionIndicator) |
options.index = index; |
} |
const setImage = (type) => { |
for (let index = 0; index < 6; index++) { |
initImage(type, options.items[index].imgName, index); |
} |
const onPrevDayTimeClick = () => { |
options.date = moment(options.date).add(-1, 'day').format('YYYY-MM-DD'); |
initTimeLineDay() |
reloadChartsRecognition('hbpi', drawPollutionIndicator) |
} |
options.urls = options.items; |
} |
const onNextDayTimeClick = () => { |
options.date = moment(options.date).add(1, 'day').format('YYYY-MM-DD'); |
initTimeLineDay() |
reloadChartsRecognition('hbpi', drawPollutionIndicator) |
} |
const initImage = (type, imgName, index) => { |
post("/image/convert", {url: DecisionSupportConfig.getUrl(type, imgName)}).then((response: any) => { |
if (response.error != 0) { |
return; |
} |
const onChange = () => { |
initTimeLineDay(); |
reloadChartsRecognition('hbpi', drawPollutionIndicator) |
} |
options.items[index].imgUrl = response.data; |
options.items[index].preview = [response.data]; |
}) |
} |
const onSaveClick = () => { |
let pictures = document.getElementById('pictures'); |
for (let i = 0; i < options.urls.length; i++) { |
let img = new Image(); |
img.src = options.urls[i].imgUrl; |
let canvas = document.createElement("canvas") as HTMLCanvasElement; |
canvas.width = img.width; |
canvas.height = img.height; |
let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); |
let base64 = ''; |
img.setAttribute("crossOrigin", 'Anonymous'); |
img.onload = function () { |
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); |
base64 = canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); |
pictures.children[i].setAttribute('href', base64); |
let button: HTMLElement = pictures.children[i] as HTMLElement; |
setTimeout(() => { |
button.click(); |
}, 500); |
}; |
} |
} |
const pollutionIndicatorInit = () => { |
creates.pollutionIndicator = new HighChartCreate('pollutionIndicator'); |
creates.pollutionIndicator.setChart(false, 'line', 1500, 600); |
creates.pollutionIndicator.setXAxisTypeDate(); |
creates.pollutionIndicator.setSpecialYAxis('高楼污染指数'); |
creates.pollutionIndicator.setLegend(true); |
creates.pollutionIndicator.setTooltip('{point.y}'); |
creates.pollutionIndicator.setSeries('高楼', 0, null, null, '#B21523') |
creates.pollutionIndicator.setSeries('超高楼', 0, null, null, '#000B6F') |
creates.pollutionIndicator.setSeries('极高楼层', 0, null, null, '#853083') |
creates.pollutionIndicator.init(); |
} |
const drawPollutionIndicator = (result: CustomeArray<any>) => { |
if (result[0].time == null) return; |
const data = prepareChartData(result); |
creates.pollutionIndicator.updateSeries(0, data[0]); |
creates.pollutionIndicator.updateSeries(1, data[1]); |
creates.pollutionIndicator.updateSeries(2, data[2]); |
options.loadingPollutionIndicatorStatus = false |
} |
const prepareChartData = (result) => { |
if (result[0].data == null) { |
let temp = [] |
for (let i = 0; i < 72; i++) { |
temp.push(NaN); |
} |
result[0].data = group(temp ,24) |
} |
let prepareData = [] |
let startTimeMoment = moment(result[0].time, 'M_D_H').add(8, 'h') |
result[0].data.forEach(item => { |
let data = [] |
for (let i = 0, len = item.length; i < len; i++) { |
data.push([startTimeMoment.clone().add(1 * i, 'h').valueOf(), item[i]]) |
} |
prepareData.push(data) |
}) |
return prepareData; |
} |
return { |
...toRefs(options), |
onIndicatorClick, |
onProductClick, |
onSaveClick, |
onChangeDayClick, |
onPrevDayTimeClick, |
onNextDayTimeClick, |
onChange |
} |
const group = (array, subGroupLength) => { |
let index = 0; |
let newArray = []; |
while(index < array.length) { |
newArray.push(array.slice(index, index += subGroupLength)); |
} |
return newArray; |
} |
const reloadChartsRecognition = (element: string, callback: any) => { |
options.loadingPollutionIndicatorStatus = true |
let result = new CustomeArray(callback); |
let time = moment(options.date); |
reloadPollutionIndicator(time.format('M_D_H'), element, result); |
} |
const reloadPollutionIndicator = (time: string, elementCode, result: CustomeArray<any>) => { |
let params = prepareApiParams(time, elementCode) |
get('/njqxj/lmlidar', params, ConstantRamanLidar.baseUrl).then((response: any) => { |
if (response.state != 0) { |
setChartsRecognitionResult(time, response.message, null, result); |
return; |
} |
setChartsRecognitionResult(time, response.message, response.data, result); |
}).catch(error => { |
setChartsRecognitionResult(time, error.message, null, result); |
}) |
} |
const prepareApiParams = (time, elementCode) => { |
return { |
var: elementCode, |
locate: 'nj', |
date: moment(time, 'MM_DD_hh').format('M_D'), |
} |
} |
const setChartsRecognitionResult = (time: string, message: string, data: any, result: CustomeArray<any>) => { |
result.push({ |
time: time, |
message: message, |
data: data == null ? null : JSON.parse(data) |
}) |
} |
const initTimeLineDay = () => { |
options.times = []; |
options.currentTime = moment(options.date).format('YYYY-MM-DD'); |
let now = moment(options.date).add(1, 'd'); |
let day = new Date(now.year(), now.month() + 1, 0); |
for (let i = 0; i < 24; i++) { |
options.times.push({ |
day: now.add(-1, 'd').format('DD'), |
month: now.format('MM'), |
date: now.format('YYYY-MM-DD'), |
}) |
} |
options.times.reverse(); |
options.index = options.times.length - 1; |
} |
const onChangeDayClick = (time, index) => { |
options.currentTime = time.date |
options.date = moment(time.date).format('YYYY-MM-DD'); |
reloadChartsRecognition('hbpi', drawPollutionIndicator) |
options.index = index; |
} |
const onPrevDayTimeClick = () => { |
options.date = moment(options.date).add(-1, 'day').format('YYYY-MM-DD'); |
initTimeLineDay() |
reloadChartsRecognition('hbpi', drawPollutionIndicator) |
} |
const onNextDayTimeClick = () => { |
options.date = moment(options.date).add(1, 'day').format('YYYY-MM-DD'); |
initTimeLineDay() |
reloadChartsRecognition('hbpi', drawPollutionIndicator) |
} |
const onChange = () => { |
initTimeLineDay(); |
reloadChartsRecognition('hbpi', drawPollutionIndicator) |
} |
return { |
...toRefs(options), |
onIndicatorClick, |
onProductClick, |
onSaveClick, |
onChangeDayClick, |
onPrevDayTimeClick, |
onNextDayTimeClick, |
onChange |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
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Reference in new issue