5 changed files with 494 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,223 @@ |
package com.ping.chuan.ahpmsdp.xxljobexecutor.jobhandler; |
import java.io.IOException; |
import java.math.BigDecimal; |
import java.nio.file.Files; |
import java.nio.file.Paths; |
import java.time.LocalDateTime; |
import java.time.ZoneId; |
import java.util.*; |
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; |
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; |
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference; |
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; |
import com.xxl.job.core.context.XxlJobHelper; |
import com.xxl.job.core.handler.annotation.XxlJob; |
import com.ping.chuan.ahpmsdp.xxljobexecutor.model.constant.SplitConstant; |
import com.ping.chuan.ahpmsdp.xxljobexecutor.model.constant.StateConstant; |
import com.ping.chuan.ahpmsdp.xxljobexecutor.model.constant.TimeConstant; |
import com.ping.chuan.ahpmsdp.xxljobexecutor.model.dao.BaseInfo; |
import com.ping.chuan.ahpmsdp.xxljobexecutor.model.dao.DealInfo; |
import com.ping.chuan.ahpmsdp.xxljobexecutor.model.dao.MetaInfo; |
import com.ping.chuan.ahpmsdp.xxljobexecutor.model.domain.ApplicationCommon; |
import com.ping.chuan.ahpmsdp.xxljobexecutor.model.domain.Coordinate; |
import com.ping.chuan.ahpmsdp.xxljobexecutor.model.domain.Grb2Reader; |
import com.ping.chuan.ahpmsdp.xxljobexecutor.model.vo.ParamInfo; |
import com.ping.chuan.ahpmsdp.xxljobexecutor.model.vo.TianQingFileVO; |
import com.ping.chuan.ahpmsdp.xxljobexecutor.model.vo.TianQingResponse; |
import com.ping.chuan.ahpmsdp.xxljobexecutor.service.IDataService; |
import com.ping.chuan.ahpmsdp.xxljobexecutor.service.IDealInfoService; |
import com.ping.chuan.ahpmsdp.xxljobexecutor.service.ITianQingSCMOCDataService; |
import com.ping.chuan.ahpmsdp.xxljobexecutor.service.impl.BaseInfoService; |
import com.ping.chuan.ahpmsdp.xxljobexecutor.template.CacheTemplate; |
import com.ping.chuan.ahpmsdp.xxljobexecutor.util.FileUtil; |
import com.ping.chuan.ahpmsdp.xxljobexecutor.util.WebUtil; |
/** |
* @describe: 天擎 spcc数据读取 |
* @author: xiaowuler |
* @createTime: 2021-11-10 09:32 |
*/ |
@Component |
public class TianQingRadarDataHandler { |
private final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); |
private Map<String, TianQingResponse<List<TianQingFileVO>>> results = new HashMap<>(); |
private final ApplicationCommon applicationCommon; |
private final BaseInfoService baseInfoService; |
private final ITianQingSCMOCDataService tianQingSCMOCDataService; |
private final IDealInfoService dealInfoService; |
private final IDataService dataService; |
public TianQingRadarDataHandler(ApplicationCommon applicationCommon, BaseInfoService baseInfoService, ITianQingSCMOCDataService tianQingSCMOCDataService, IDealInfoService dealInfoService, IDataService dataService){ |
this.applicationCommon = applicationCommon; |
this.baseInfoService = baseInfoService; |
this.tianQingSCMOCDataService = tianQingSCMOCDataService; |
this.dealInfoService = dealInfoService; |
this.dataService = dataService; |
} |
@XxlJob("readRadar") |
public void readRadar() throws IOException { |
XxlJobHelper.log("read job handler start"); |
String param = XxlJobHelper.getJobParam(); |
ParamInfo paramInfo = objectMapper.readValue(param, ParamInfo.class); |
Map<String, Object> params = applicationCommon.prepareParams(paramInfo.getModeCode().toLowerCase()); |
LocalDateTime startTime = LocalDateTime.now().minusHours(8).minusHours(paramInfo.getTimeLength()); |
LocalDateTime endTime = LocalDateTime.now().minusHours(8); |
TianQingResponse<List<TianQingFileVO>> tianQingResponse = request(String.format("[%s,%s]", startTime.format(TimeConstant.YYYYMMDDHHMM00), endTime.format(TimeConstant.YYYYMMDDHHMM00)), params); |
if (Objects.isNull(tianQingResponse)){ |
XxlJobHelper.log("未从天擎查询到数据"); |
return; |
} |
List<DealInfo> dealInfos = dealInfoService.findAllByTimeRange(paramInfo.getModeCode(), paramInfo.getMemberCode(), paramInfo.getElementCode(), startTime, endTime); |
Map<DealInfo, Map.Entry<MetaInfo, Coordinate>> results = download(tianQingResponse.getDs(), paramInfo.getElementCode(), dealInfos); |
XxlJobHelper.log("总共需要解析文件{}个", results.size()); |
for(Map.Entry<DealInfo, Map.Entry<MetaInfo, Coordinate>> entry : results.entrySet()){ |
XxlJobHelper.log("文件:{} 开始解析", entry.getKey().getFileName()); |
String result; |
if(paramInfo.isWind()){ |
result = dataService.readWindElement(entry); |
}else { |
result = dataService.readRoutineElement(entry, paramInfo.isTemp()); |
} |
XxlJobHelper.log("文件:{} 解析完成, 结果:{}", entry.getKey().getFileName(), result); |
} |
XxlJobHelper.log("文件解析完成"); |
XxlJobHelper.log("read job end"); |
} |
public TianQingResponse<List<TianQingFileVO>> request(String timeRang, Map<String, Object> params) throws JsonProcessingException { |
synchronized (this){ |
if (results.containsKey(timeRang)){ |
return results.get(timeRang); |
} |
results.clear(); |
params.put("timeRange", timeRang); |
int index = 0; |
while (index < 3){ |
String result = WebUtil.get(applicationCommon.getUrl(), params); |
TianQingResponse<List<TianQingFileVO>> tianQingResponse = objectMapper.readValue(result, new TypeReference<>() {}); |
if (tianQingResponse.getReturnCode() == 0){ |
results.put(timeRang, tianQingResponse); |
return tianQingResponse; |
} |
index++; |
} |
return null; |
} |
} |
private Map<DealInfo, Map.Entry<MetaInfo, Coordinate>> download(List<TianQingFileVO> tianQingFileVOs, String elementCode, List<DealInfo> dealInfos){ |
Date afterTime = Date.from(LocalDateTime.now().minusMinutes(10).atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant()); |
Map<DealInfo, Map.Entry<MetaInfo, Coordinate>> targetDealInfos = new HashMap<>(tianQingFileVOs.size()); |
for(TianQingFileVO tianQingFileVO: tianQingFileVOs){ |
if (!tianQingFileVO.getProdCont().equals(elementCode)){ |
continue; |
} |
DealInfo dealInfo = toDealInfo(tianQingFileVO.getFileName()); |
if (Objects.isNull(dealInfo)){ |
continue; |
} |
Map.Entry<MetaInfo, Coordinate> entry = CacheTemplate.findOne(dealInfo); |
if (Objects.isNull(entry)){ |
XxlJobHelper.log("meta_infos 未录入相关文件信息, {}", dealInfo.getFileName()); |
continue; |
} |
DealInfo sourceDealInfo = dealInfos.stream().filter(d -> d.getFileName().equals(dealInfo.getFileName())).findAny().orElse(null); |
if (Objects.isNull(sourceDealInfo)){ |
sourceDealInfo = dealInfo.toPerfect(entry.getKey(), tianQingFileVO.getFileUrl()); |
sourceDealInfo.setForecastTime(new Date()); |
dealInfoService.insert(dealInfo.toKeyspace(), sourceDealInfo); |
download(sourceDealInfo, entry, targetDealInfos); |
continue; |
} |
// 判断文件是否需要处理
if (sourceDealInfo.getTryCount() >= 3 || (sourceDealInfo.getState() == StateConstant.PROCESSING && sourceDealInfo.getUpdateTime().before(afterTime)) || sourceDealInfo.getState() == StateConstant.SUCCESS){ |
continue; |
} |
sourceDealInfo.setState(StateConstant.PROCESSING); |
sourceDealInfo.setTryCount(sourceDealInfo.getTryCount() + 1); |
sourceDealInfo.setUpdateTime(new Date()); |
if (Files.exists(Paths.get(sourceDealInfo.getLocalPath()))){ |
dealInfoService.insert(sourceDealInfo.toKeyspace(), sourceDealInfo); |
targetDealInfos.put(sourceDealInfo, entry); |
continue; |
} |
download(sourceDealInfo, entry, targetDealInfos); |
} |
return targetDealInfos; |
} |
private void download(DealInfo dealInfo, Map.Entry<MetaInfo, Coordinate> entry, Map<DealInfo, Map.Entry<MetaInfo, Coordinate>> targetDealInfos){ |
XxlJobHelper.log("开始下载文件:{}", dealInfo.getFileName()); |
boolean result = FileUtil.downloadByNetwork(dealInfo.getUrl(), dealInfo.getLocalPath()); |
if (result){ |
XxlJobHelper.log("文件:{} 下载完成", dealInfo.getFileName()); |
targetDealInfos.put(dealInfo, entry); |
return; |
} |
dealInfo.setState(StateConstant.FAILED); |
XxlJobHelper.log("文件:{} 下载失败", dealInfo.getFileName()); |
dealInfo.setMessage("下载文件:%s失败".formatted(dealInfo.getFileName())); |
dealInfoService.insert(dealInfo.toKeyspace(), dealInfo); |
return; |
} |
private DealInfo toDealInfo(String fileName){ |
String[] names = fileName.split(SplitConstant.FILENAME_CUT_RUNG); |
if (names.length != 10){ |
XxlJobHelper.log("文件名:{} 格式不规范,无法解析", fileName); |
return null; |
} |
DealInfo dealInfo = new DealInfo(); |
dealInfo.setMemberCode(names[3]); |
dealInfo.setCreateTime(Date.from(LocalDateTime.parse(names[4], TimeConstant.YYYYMMDDHHMMSS).atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant())); |
String[] modes = names[7].split(SplitConstant.FILENAME_CUT_NEXT_RUNG); |
dealInfo.setModeCode(modes[0]); |
dealInfo.setElementCode(modes[1]); |
dealInfo.setInitialTime(Date.from(LocalDateTime.parse(names[8], TimeConstant.YYYYMMDDHHMM).atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant())); |
dealInfo.setHeight(BigDecimal.valueOf(1010)); |
dealInfo.setTimeLength(Integer.parseInt(names[9].substring(0, 3))); |
dealInfo.setTimeInterval(Integer.parseInt(names[9].substring(3, 5))); |
dealInfo.setLocalPath(String.format("%s\\%s\\%s\\%s\\%s\\%s", "C:\\SaveFile\\Source", names[8].substring(0, 6), dealInfo.getModeCode(), dealInfo.getMemberCode(), dealInfo.getElementCode(), fileName)); |
dealInfo.setFileName(fileName); |
return dealInfo; |
} |
private void convertFile(Map<String, Boolean> results, String variable, List<BaseInfo> baseInfos, boolean isWind) throws IOException { |
for(Map.Entry<String, Boolean> entry : results.entrySet()){ |
String filepath = entry.getKey(); |
boolean result = entry.getValue(); |
if (!result){ |
continue; |
} |
if (baseInfos.stream().filter(b -> b.getSourceFilePath().equals(filepath)).count() > 0){ |
continue; |
} |
BaseInfo baseInfo = Grb2Reader.readCLDASInfo(filepath); |
if (isWind) { |
tianQingSCMOCDataService.readWindElement(baseInfo); |
} else { |
tianQingSCMOCDataService.readRoutineElement(baseInfo, variable); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ |
package com.ping.chuan.ahpmsdp.xxljobexecutor.model.domain; |
import java.util.Date; |
import lombok.Data; |
/** |
* @describe: 雷达 实体类 |
* @author: xiaowuler |
* @createTime: 2022-02-28 09:20 |
*/ |
@Data |
public class RadarRead { |
private short day = 0; |
private short hour = 0; |
private short year = 0; |
private short month = 0; |
private short minute = 0; |
private int interval = 0; |
private int radarCount = 0; |
private short zNumGrids = 0; |
private short xNumGrids = 0; |
private short yNumGrids = 0; |
private Date time; |
public float yReso; |
public float xReso; |
private float startLon; |
private float startLat; |
private float centerLat; |
private float centerLon; |
private String flag = null; |
private String version = null; |
private char[] reserved = null; |
private String dataName = null; |
private String zoneName = null; |
private byte[] mosaicFlag = null; |
private float[] zHighGrids = null; |
private float[] radarAltitude = null; |
private float[] radarLatitude = null; |
private float[] radarLongitude = null; |
private String[] radarStationName = null; |
private float[] observerValue = null; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ |
package com.ping.chuan.ahpmsdp.xxljobexecutor.model.domain; |
import java.io.BufferedInputStream; |
import java.io.FileInputStream; |
import java.io.IOException; |
import java.io.InputStream; |
import java.nio.ByteBuffer; |
import java.nio.CharBuffer; |
import java.nio.charset.Charset; |
import java.time.LocalDateTime; |
import java.time.ZoneOffset; |
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; |
import java.util.ArrayList; |
import java.util.Arrays; |
import java.util.Date; |
import java.util.List; |
import java.util.stream.Collectors; |
import java.util.stream.IntStream; |
import com.xxl.job.core.util.DateUtil; |
import com.ping.chuan.ahpmsdp.xxljobexecutor.util.ByteUtil; |
/** |
* @describe: 雷达读取类 |
* @author: xiaowuler |
* @createTime: 2022-02-28 09:18 |
*/ |
public class RadarReader { |
public RadarRead readBinaryFile(String filePath, String time) { |
RadarRead radar = new RadarRead(); |
try{ |
InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(filePath); |
BufferedInputStream bi = new BufferedInputStream(inputStream); |
radar.setZoneName(readToString(bi, 12)); |
radar.setDataName(readToString(bi, 38)); |
radar.setFlag(readToString(bi, 8)); |
radar.setVersion(readToString(bi, 8)); |
radar.setYear(readToShort(bi)); |
radar.setMonth(readToShort(bi)); |
radar.setDay(readToShort(bi)); |
radar.setHour(readToShort(bi)); |
radar.setMinute(readToShort(bi)); |
radar.setInterval(readToShort(bi)); |
radar.setXNumGrids(readToShort(bi)); |
radar.setYNumGrids(readToShort(bi)); |
radar.setZNumGrids(readToShort(bi)); |
LocalDateTime initialTime = LocalDateTime.parse(time, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMddHHmmss")); |
Date date = Date.from(initialTime.atZone(ZoneOffset.systemDefault()).toInstant()); |
radar.setTime(DateUtil.addHours(date, 8)); |
radar.setRadarCount(readToInt(bi)); |
radar.setStartLon(readToFloat(bi)); |
radar.setStartLat(readToFloat(bi)); |
radar.setCenterLon(readToFloat(bi)); |
radar.setCenterLat(readToFloat(bi)); |
radar.setXReso(readToFloat(bi)); |
radar.setYReso(readToFloat(bi)); |
radar.setZHighGrids(setMultipleValue(bi, new float[40])); |
radar.setRadarStationName(setMultipleValue(bi, new String[20], 16)); |
radar.setRadarLongitude(setMultipleValue(bi, new float[20])); |
radar.setRadarLatitude(setMultipleValue(bi, new float[20])); |
radar.setRadarAltitude(setMultipleValue(bi, new float[20])); |
byte[] bytes = new byte[20]; |
bi.read(bytes); |
radar.setMosaicFlag(bytes); |
radar.setReserved(setMultipleValue(bi, 172)); |
radar.setObserverValue(new float[radar.getZNumGrids() * radar.getYNumGrids() * radar.getXNumGrids()]); |
readValue(bi, radar, true); |
List<Float> targetValues = new ArrayList<>(); |
List<Float> values = IntStream.range(0, radar.getObserverValue().length) |
.mapToDouble(i -> radar.getObserverValue()[i]).boxed().map(i -> i.floatValue()).collect(Collectors.toList()); |
values = values.subList(305 * radar.getXNumGrids(), 700 * radar.getYNumGrids()); |
for(int index = 0; index < 395; index++){ |
int tempIndex = index * radar.getXNumGrids(); |
targetValues.addAll(values.subList(tempIndex + 365, tempIndex + 700)); |
} |
float[] result = new float[132325]; |
for(int index = 0, len = targetValues.size(); index < len; index++){ |
result[index] = targetValues.get(index); |
} |
radar.setObserverValue(result); |
}catch (Exception e) { |
throw new RuntimeException(e); |
} |
return radar; |
} |
private void readValue(BufferedInputStream bis, RadarRead radar, boolean flag) throws IOException { |
if (flag){ |
for(int i = 0, len = radar.getXNumGrids() * radar.getYNumGrids() * radar.getZNumGrids(); i < len; i++) { |
float value = bis.read(); |
if (value != 0){ |
radar.getObserverValue()[i] = (value - 66) / 2; |
continue; |
} |
radar.getObserverValue()[i] = value; |
} |
}else { |
for(int i = 0; i < radar.getXNumGrids() * radar.getYNumGrids() * radar.getZNumGrids(); i++) { |
int value = readToInt(bis); |
radar.getObserverValue()[i] = value / 1; |
} |
} |
} |
private String readToString(BufferedInputStream bi, Integer... infos) throws IOException { |
return convert(bi, (result, info) -> new String(result, info[1], info[2]), infos); |
} |
private short readToShort(BufferedInputStream bi) throws IOException{ |
return convert(bi, (result, infos) -> ByteUtil.toShort(result), 2); |
} |
private int readToInt(BufferedInputStream bi) throws IOException { |
return convert(bi, (result, infos) -> ByteUtil.toInt(result), 4); |
} |
private float readToFloat(BufferedInputStream bi) throws IOException { |
return convert(bi, (result, infos) -> ByteUtil.toFloat(result), 4); |
} |
private static <T> T convert(BufferedInputStream bi, Template<T> template, Integer... infos) throws IOException { |
if (infos.length == 1){ |
infos = Arrays.copyOf(infos,3); |
infos[1] = 0; |
infos[2] = infos[0]; |
} |
byte[] result = new byte[infos[0]]; |
bi.read(result); |
return template.readBytes(result, infos); |
} |
interface Template<T>{ |
T readBytes(byte[] result, Integer... infos) throws IOException; |
} |
private String[] setMultipleValue(BufferedInputStream bi, String[] result, Integer... infos) throws IOException { |
for (int index = 0, len = result.length; index < len; index++){ |
result[index] = readToString(bi, infos); |
} |
return result; |
} |
private float[] setMultipleValue(BufferedInputStream bi, float[] result) throws IOException { |
for (int index = 0, len = result.length; index < len; index++){ |
result[index] = readToFloat(bi); |
} |
return result; |
} |
private char[] setMultipleValue(BufferedInputStream bis, int length) throws IOException { |
byte[] bytes = new byte[length]; |
bis.read(bytes); |
Charset cs = Charset.forName ("UTF-8"); |
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate (bytes.length); |
bb.put (bytes); |
bb.flip (); |
CharBuffer cb = cs.decode (bb); |
return cb.array(); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ |
package com.ping.chuan.ahpmsdp.xxljobexecutor.util; |
/** |
* @describe: 字节工具类 |
* @author: xiaowuler |
* @createTime: 2022-02-28 09:23 |
*/ |
public class ByteUtil { |
private static <T> T convert(byte[] result, DefaultTemplate<T> defaultTemplate){ |
return defaultTemplate.convert(result); |
} |
public static float toFloat(byte[] result){ |
return convert(result, (bytes) -> { |
int l; |
l = bytes[0]; |
l &= 0xff; |
l |= ((long) bytes[1] << 8); |
l &= 0xffff; |
l |= ((long) bytes[2] << 16); |
l &= 0xffffff; |
l |= ((long) bytes[3] << 24); |
return Float.intBitsToFloat(l); |
}); |
} |
public static int toInt(byte[] result){ |
return convert(result, (bytes) -> ((((result[3] & 0xff) << 24) |
| ((result[2] & 0xff) << 16) |
| ((result[1] & 0xff) << 8) | ((result[0] & 0xff) << 0)))); |
} |
public static short toShort(byte[] result) { |
return convert(result, (bytes) -> (short) (((result[1] << 8) | result[0] & 0xff))); |
} |
} |
interface DefaultTemplate<T> { |
T convert(byte[] result); |
} |
Reference in new issue